U.S. banks now hold over $3 trillion in cash but there’s a catch

The latest financial reports are revealing a remarkable trend: U.S. banks are currently sitting on an eye-watering sum of over $3 trillion in cash. The reasons for this financial strategy are varied and deeply interconnected, stemming from a cautious approach to an unpredictable economic climate and recent bank failures.

Springtime’s Ghosts Still Haunting the Financial Realm

The banking sector, clearly, hasn’t forgotten the recent shocks it endured. March’s catastrophic failures of giants like Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank didn’t just make headlines – they shook the foundational trust many had in the financial ecosystem. When titans stumble, aftershocks are felt everywhere. The hasty downgrading of several U.S. banks by credit agencies such as S&P and Moody’s only added salt to the sector’s wounds.

Notably, the financial reservoirs that banks have now amassed have ballooned 5.4% since the close of 2022, touching a noteworthy $3.26 trillion by late August. To provide a little perspective, this figure was drastically higher than anything seen before the pandemic, albeit slightly down from the frantic weeks succeeding the March bank fiascos.

However, it’s essential to discern the behavior pattern of different bank categories. While smaller to mid-tier lenders ramped up their cash assets by about 12% from the start of the year, the top-tier financial behemoths, the top 25 banks, only notched a 2.9% increase.

It’s hardly surprising that the bigwigs of the banking world, JPMorgan and Bank of America, remained tight-lipped about their specific strategies. Still, they hinted that the Federal Reserve’s actions, declining deposits, and a surge in short-term rates played a role in their decisions.

Risk Reduction and Stricter Regulations on the Horizon

It isn’t just an unstable economy that’s got the banks in a twist. Upcoming regulatory measures have given many a banker sleepless nights. The word on Wall Street is that the U.S. regulatory bodies might flex their muscles, tightening the noose on capital and liquidity norms, especially for banks boasting assets north of $100 billion.

Such heightened regulatory attention since March means that banks have no choice but to level up, refining their liquidity strategies and refining asset liability management. The looming shadow of stricter scrutiny means there’s zero room for errors. Banks must ensure they’re watertight in liquidity management and astute in their loan portfolios. No one wants the regulator’s glare spotlighting any inadequacies in their systems.

And speaking of systems, the Federal Reserve’s rigorous tightening regime from March 2022 has thrown many banks into a tailspin. The plummeting values of many long-term securities have sounded alarm bells, with investors wringing their hands over the health of bank assets. As a result, there’s been a frenzy of activity with banks scrambling to enhance liquidity, either by trimming their securities investments or by selling them, even if it means taking a hit.

Take Bank of America, for instance. Their records show a staggering sale of $93 billion from their available-for-sale balance sheet sector within the first half of the year. The proceeds? Poured straight into their cash reserves. And why not? Parking money in low-yield securities wasn’t doing them any favors. Their heavyweight competitor, JPMorgan, followed suit, offloading securities consistently over the past year.

Yes, U.S. banks are now swimming in cash, but this isn’t a random occurrence. It’s a calculated response to a chaotic financial landscape. Banks, ever the pragmatic entities, are clearly positioning themselves for a future filled with uncertainty, tighter regulations, and ever-watchful regulators.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/us-banks-now-hold-over-3-trillion-in-cash/