Tony Khan Is Losing His Mind On Twitter Amid AEW Loss To NXT

First, Tony Khan lost the Tuesday Night War, now he’s losing his mind on Twitter.

Tony Khan being unhinged on Twitter is nothing new, but now dealing with a one-sided loss to WWE NXT this past Tuesday, Khan’s latest Twitter meltdown might be his biggest yet.

destroyed AEW Dynamite in the latest head-to-head ratings war. In NXT’s biggest victory over AEW yet, a loaded WWE NXT garnered 921,000 views against AEW’s 609,000. With AEW bleeding attendance and viewership in recent weeks, WWE smelled blood in the water.

Suddenly in panic mode, so did Tony Khan.

Tony Khan has been very active on Twitter all week, and his social media posts have become more embarrassing by the tweet. Khan summoned GIFs from Curb Your Enthusiasm to refer to WWE as “d—ks,” while using a meme to call Triple H and Shawn Michaels “bald a—holes.”

Khan took repeated shots at Vince McMahon for his sexual misconduct allegations, and insisted that Shawn Michaels was not going to win this year’s Booker of the Year award—a meaningless paper trophy that is given away by anybody with a wrestling podcast these days.

Tony’s increasingly bizarre tweets then voyaged into analytics, as Khan celebrated the moral victory of John Cena and Undertaker being on a TV show with under one million viewers.

“Khan noted that the ‘no million’ tweet was a response to the endless people who tweet at him every Thursday after the show does usually the top one or two numbers of the previous night, but that’s considered bad because they don’t hit one million viewers,” said consummate Tony Khan defender Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

“There was also a strategic message in posting in the sense the one million post came at the same time he released the Jay White vs. Penta match for next week, with the idea that the post would lead to more engagement for the announcement of that match.”

Khan’s antics extended into Friday as he posted a tweet discussing his mother’s health issues, only to act surprised when he received negative feedback on the notoriously divisive Twitter.

“Not that I should be surprised, but the same WWE avatar accounts that spam me every day, no matter what I say or what it’s about, now turning their wrath to Mom recovering from a near death experience, is why I straight hate these people to the bottom of my heart with all my soul,” complained Khan.

Tony Khan continues to roll around in the weeds with the bottom of the bird app, because despite his wealth, these are the people he relates to more than any. A combination of growing up in an ivory tower as the son of a billionaire, and experiencing much of his social life through pro wrestling message boards, have made Khan out-of-touch with everyday people. Through his recent Twitter tirades, it shows. Khan’s buffoonery on Twitter has reportedly drawn the ire of people within AEW.

“This guy needs to get off Twitter. With All due respect. I have heard nothing but ‘Tony needs to get off his phone and stop tweeting,’” said Bryan Alvarez of “Wrestling Observer Radio.”

“And you know who I’ve heard that from? I have not heard that from fans. I have heard that from people in WWE. But do you now who I’ve heard that from? People in AEW. They’re like ‘can somebody get this guy off of his phone? Get him off Twitter!’ That’s from people in AEW.”

Khan’s social media hijinks have been (unintentionally) entertaining, but are also evidence of the eccentric billionaire feeling the pressure of AEW trending downward. Gone are the days when AEW was outselling WWE in its own home market. AEW no longer exists as the hotter, edgier alternative to WWE, which is not under the micromanagement of Vince McMahon anymore.

Perhaps Tony Khan is crazy like a fox, and his antics are being done to deter people from a budding antisemitism controversy. Juice Robinson taunted MJF with a roll of quarters on Tuesday’s Dynamite, and the timing with the Israel-Hamas war has many up in arms over the angle.

Tony Khan and AEW have enough problems, and by poking the bear on Twitter, Khan may be creating more unnecessary conflicts with WWE, who reportedly view his actions as a “declaration of war.”
