There’s More To Come In Instagram Feeds


  • Instagram users are complaining about unnecessary posts in feeds.
  • This issue is likely to stay for a while now, in fact, it may increase.
  • Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that the post recommendations are from AI.

Things Are About To Escalate

In recent months, you must’ve experienced a strange phenomenon in your instagram feeds. You are scrolling through the app, but there are unnecessary posts everywhere alongside the ones you follow. This is literally an annoying act and it’s understandable. But this is not the company’s fault, they are doing what the Artificial Intelligence is suggesting them to do.

Mark Zuckerberg made the announcement that the Instagram feeds are about to get worse. With this, he meant that the users will not see less posts from accounts they are not following, but the number will escalate. He said that the AI works according to the data it has collected. And this data suggests that more posts should be there in the feeds, doesn’t matter if the user follows the account.

So why are things going like this? Artificial intelligence thinks in its own way. It believes that people will like a certain post, based on the data collection, which is not the case every time. Well. don’t get mad on the AI folks, it is just a software and not a mind reader. The organization had to experiment through the recommendation to keep the platform intact.

Will there be any relief from this phenomenon? No, there’s not. Mark Zuckerberg says that the AI suggests to increase the post from 15% to 30%. I Know, this is just the double of what you are witnessing. Annoying right! Well, nothing can be done.

Also Read: Meta Received A $2.8 Billion Blow In Second Quarter

Obstacles In Meta’s Plans

The Federal Trade commission has filed an injunction against the organization. It believes that they will eliminate the competition from the market. Meta was trying to take over Within, an organization focused on Virtual Reality. Mark Zuckerberg holds a long term vision in developing the metaverse. But events like this can cause major disruptions in attaining the goals.

Meta changed its title from Facebook back in 2021, to show the world that they are finally focusing on metaverse development. It is also believed that the organization will become a prominent player in the field.
