The Player-Owned Economy In Web3 Adventure Game

Get ready for the future of gaming! Big Time is an upcoming web3 adventure game that puts players in control of their destiny. In this game, you can explore ancient civilizations and futuristic worlds while crafting, trading, and collecting valuable digital items. 

What sets it apart? 

Big Time features a player-owned economy, where you can earn cryptocurrency as you play. Let’s get into Big Time and see how it’s changing the game.

Introduction to Big Time Web3 Game

After a year-long testing period, the web3 role-playing adventure game Big Time will debut in early October. It intends to give users a free-to-play experience without the divisive pay-to-win elements frequently found in games focusing on cryptocurrencies. 

The game has a “player-owned economy,” which enables players to manufacture, sell, or uncover digital wearables and collectibles as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), all powered by its in-game money.

Creators and Vision

The creators of Big Time include individuals with backgrounds such as the former CEO of Ethereum-based virtual world Decentraland and former AAA game developers. 

Their vision centers around establishing a robust community and ensuring an outstanding gaming experience in the crypto gaming landscape.

Strong Community Engagement

Big Time has garnered substantial community support, with over 350,000 members on Discord and a quarter million on X (formerly Twitter). 

Additionally, the game has a signup list with over a million people and has recorded direct sales exceeding $80 million, along with user-to-user trades.

Web3 Gaming and Streaming Success

Big Time has become Twitch’s most streamed PC web3 game, with over 3,000 streamers participating in its pre-alpha stage. It has also gained significant traction in important markets like Japan.

Avoiding the Play-to-Earn Pitfall

Big Time has designed its economic incentives to distinguish itself from other crypto games to avoid the play-to-earn model’s pitfalls, as seen in games like Axie Infinity. 

This model, often criticized as a form of “digital serfdom,” relies heavily on low-wage workers in certain regions.

Meritocratic In-Game Economy

Big Time’s native $BIGTIME tokens are not simply generated based on time spent playing the game. Instead, they depend on players’ skills and strategic resource management. 

This approach creates a meritocratic in-game economy, where ability determines success rather than mere participation.

Learning from Past Mistakes

The game’s creators have learned from past iterations of web3 games that featured unsustainable models. These models often required assets with volatile prices to access core gameplay, resulting in inflated token supplies. 

Players often prioritized profit over enjoyment, and the gaming experiences were simplistic and shallow.


Big Time is a promising player in the web3 gaming arena, emphasizing community building, avoiding play-to-earn pitfalls, and creating a meritocratic in-game economy. 

Its strong community support and strategic approach to game design aim to provide players with a rewarding and enjoyable gaming experience while embracing the world of NFTs and cryptocurrency.

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