The Overall Working of the Web-Based Graphical Interface

Github, a code hosting platform, is introduced with the purpose to maintain a high level of control and collaboration. The platform simply adds individuals, developers, and coders to work together from anywhere along with tracking changes in the code. The concept was introduced by Tom Preston-Werner, Scott Chacon, Chris Wanstrath, and P.J. Hyett in 2008. The planning for the platform development was introduced in 2007 and finished next year. Let’s talk about the features and overall working of Github.     

Features of Github 

Github is emerging as one of the most popular and efficient coding platforms having around 100 Million developers and more than 372 Million repositories. As of June 2023, the platform is considered among the largest source code hosts. The features of GitHub made the platform more popular and effective in the coding marketplace. Easy and friendly user interface, collaboration, and effective code-hosting are some of the main features of Github to the developers. Effective collaboration and easy project management by easy collaboration of project managers and developers help in maintaining scheduling and a high level of transparency.

The platform also offers services to improve code writing by reviewing, developing, and proposing new codes. The team members are allowed to discuss and apply codes before changing the source code. Apart from this, enhanced code safety, easy code hosting, and graphical representation of the branches make GIthub one of the most efficient coding platforms.  

How to Use Github?

The simple functioning of the GitHub platform is to host the code along with permitting others to collaborate on the project from any place. The simple working of the platform involves creating and handling a repository, creating and maintaining new branches, creating changes to the file, and merging a pull request. To understand the detailed functioning of Github, it is necessary to understand the concept of Git, as it plays a vital role in the working of the Github platform. Git is simply a tool or version control system that permits developers to track changes in the code and is used for source code management.     

Creating an account on the GitHub platform, installing Git, and developing a repository or “repo” for storing the code are the basic steps to follow while using the platform. The next step is to create a branch that enables an individual to edit the varied, unique version of the repository in a single time. Branch creation also helps in adding new features and fixing the bugs that may affect the code. Going to the code view over the platform helps in making changes to the branch and also offers the overall history of changes made to the particular project. Opening and merging a pull request is the final step and helps in merging one brand with another person’s brand.   


GitHub has emerged as one of the efficient and easy coding platforms offering an easy user interface. The concept was introduced in 2008 with the motive to provide a code hosting platform from control and effective collaboration. Gits, repositories, commits, pull requests and branches are some factors that help in generating effective code.      

Steve Anderrson
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