The Future Of Metaverse Is Here

You Don’t Believe It, Right?

Contrary to what you might know, Metaverse is not the thing of the future; we are living in it. Those who have seen the “Ready Player One” film will never agree with this statement. 

But think about this for a second, Metaverse is defined as a virtual world where what we do online matters more than our physical worlds. But… isn’t this the world we are living in right now?

If you believe that this is the stupidest thing you have heard, imagine this:

Would you and your peers want to be friends with someone who knows a lot of people in reality, or would you want to be with someone with countless Instagram followers? And don’t lie. We all know the answer to this question.

A person who owns skins in PUBG is far cooler than someone who owns a copper bracelet in real life. Isn’t he?

Now, will you agree with me?

Thank you!

But let’s say we want to enter into “Ready Player One,” a world where what we do virtually affects us physically too!

How cool would that be? Dive deep into the world of Metaverse. We’ve got some shopping to do. Ready?

Let’s Shop From The Meta-Kart

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The primary device for entering into the world of virtual reality. This is the device we are all familiar with through movies, web series, and a lot of rich friends who like to show off their “cool gadgets.”

These are just the headsets that do an excellent job tracking your head and hand movements.

But… Our heads and hands are not the only things to connect ourselves with the virtual world, are they?

To solve this problem comes Haritora X. This is a perfect device for interacting with our whole body, structure, and movements in the Metaverse.

With this technology, we can map our fingers, arms, legs, waist, and neck, a full-body clone onto the software. This is a revolutionary breakthrough in the world of technology that integrates our bodies onto the platform.

Now, our body got connected to the platform. It is time to connect our souls, our consciousness, and our sense of touch with the Metaverse.

After all, legendary Sir Steve Jobs, during the iPod launch ceremony, said:

“When you can touch someone’s heart, through your technology,… That’s limitless.”

This is what Skinetic endeavors to do. If you are familiar with the Indian film- ‘Ra.One’, you will know what exactly is this.

A fiber-coated vest covering your chest and has touch sensors inbuilt in it! And guess what? 

Are you freezing during the winters of Alaska? Don’t worry, wear the vest and go; take a trip to Australia and be warm in your Skinetic vest.

Mind those volcanos, though..

If you wouldn’t have read this on a metaverse page, you would have guessed that KAT Walk’s a female’s cologne product, wouldn’t you?

Remember in your childhood when you walked with blindfolds on and “accidentally” broke a vase?

Your face still hurts because of your mom’s slap. doesn’t it?

Have you imagined what would happen once we wear those VR glasses and start running in our houses playing Metaverse shooting games like a psychotic person?

Coming to the rescue is the KAT Walk, a safely bonded treadmill where you can run the whole day in any direction possible without moving a single inch in the physical world. 

Now, you can explore the stars of the Andromeda galaxy, sleep under the fine moon and cold breeze of California on a Saturday night, save the planet Asguard by fighting the goddess of death, or just run around in the kids’ section of Dubai Mall with your children.

Everything is possible, everything, with this new technology, because, once again, if you can touch someone’s heart without even having to leave your room…. That’s Limitless.

Nancy J. Allen
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