The Eerie Silence on False Information – Decoding the Evolution of Disinformation

In the ever-evolving landscape of information, a peculiar silence surrounds the once-prominent term “false information.” Instead, the spotlight has shifted to the enigmatic realm of “disinformation.” This shift carries profound implications, explored in Jacob Siegel’s illuminating piece, “A Guide to Understanding the Hoax of the Century.” Unveiling the evolution of censorship, Siegel delves into the motives behind this linguistic transformation, exposing the unsettling truth that disinformation is not just a deviation from truth but a tool for control.

Disinformation dominance – The totalitarian twist

Disinformation, a term that has risen to prominence during the COVID lockdowns, signifies a departure from the conventional understanding of false information. Jacob Siegel astutely points out that the real menace lies not in the misinformation about, for example, the harms of menthol cigarettes, but in the government’s perception of truth. Disinformation is a tool wielded by those in power to shape narratives, irrespective of its alignment with reality. In a totalitarian system, the definition of disinformation is fluid, molded by the ruling authorities to suit their narrative. It is not a misuse of the concept but its precise functioning in a regime where control takes precedence over truth.

Internet irony – Unmasking collaborative censorship

The internet, often hailed as a liberating force, conceals a stark irony. Contrary to the perception of an open digital arena, Siegel reveals its origin in the U.S. defense establishment, fostering close collaboration between the White House and Silicon Valley. The revelation that White House and Google employees were meeting regularly sheds light on the symbiotic relationship between government and tech giants. This collaboration extends to social media censorship, as highlighted by the recent Twitter files revelations. What was once championed as a tool for promoting online communication is now instrumentalized for implementing one of the most powerful censorship mechanisms under the guise of combating disinformation.

NGOs and information clerisy – Gatekeepers of “truth”

As traditional journalism faces collapse, a peculiar shift occurs in the battleground against disinformation. Former journalists find refuge in non-government organizations (NGOs) funded by billionaires, positioning themselves as information clerics guiding the masses. While their sincerity in restoring a “healthy society” may be genuine, questions arise about their role as intermediaries between billionaires and millions of citizens. This new information elite stands between truth and falsehood, determining what information reaches the public. The need for citizens in free societies to question this arrangement becomes evident, as it challenges the very essence of an open and informed democracy.

In a world where disinformation has become the focal point of information management, citizens must confront the evolving dynamics of censorship and control. The journey from false information to disinformation signifies more than a linguistic shift—it reflects a deeper transformation in how societies perceive truth and navigate the digital landscape. As we witness the convergence of power, technology, and information manipulation, the question that lingers is whether we can truly trust those positioned as gatekeepers of truth or if reform must arise from the grassroots, challenging the existing information paradigm. How can free societies safeguard the integrity of information in the face of evolving challenges?
