The Art of Capturing Cloud of Petals by Meyohas  

Photography, one of the finest professions, expanded its roots in the world of NFT in recent years. Capturing stunning visuals and converting them into unique, captivating, and eye-catching items created a recognized position for photographers in the NFT space. Bitchcoin is one of the trending NFT projects streaming over the Ethereum blockchain. 

Exploring the Garden of Lovely Roses 

Introduced in May 2021, Bitchcoin is one of the trending NFT projects over OpenSea and other NFT marketplaces. The collection of 3,289 unique items was introduced by Sarah Meyohas with the motive to offer a valuable place to the fragrance of roses in the NFT space. 

Bitchcoin is Meyohas’s first tokenization of art on the blockchain and just boomed the NFT space. The concept of a rose with a unique name simply added more fragrance to the NFT garden. The cloud of petals added value to the labor in the field of automation and weighted the subjective valuation of beauty. Sarah Meyohas organized many of the exhibitions to showpiece his artwork in a more captivating way. The exhibition at Red Bull Arts New York best represents Sarah’s love of photography. 

Exploring the collection, the NFT project holds a single trait which is a petal station representing the exceptional photography skills of Sarah.

Let’s explore the collection on different criteria. 

First talking about popularity, Bitchcoin #02.107 and Bitchcoin #15.035 are one of the most viewed items in the collection, holding 972 and 724 views. Considering price as the main factor, Bitchcoin #0.45 ETH and Bitchcoin #12.240 are some of the most affordable NFTs in the collection available at the lowest price of 0.45 ETH each. 

Looking for expensive items, Bitchcoin #13.135 and Bitchcoin #01.042 are the most valuable and expensive items on the list, available at the price of 1,000 ETH and 10 ETH respectively. Bitchcoin #05.190 and Bitchcoin #12.240 are recently listed items in the collection and are available at the current price of 0.45 ETH each. 

All these unique and stunning visuals are available on platforms including OpenSea, LooksRare, and NFTGo.  

How Well the Collection is Performing 

The captured petals are still fresh in the NFT garden. The Bitchcoin NFT project is one of the leading players in the photography category, holding a total volume of 1,078 ETH with a floor price of 0.45 ETH. The project holds 310 owners of which 9% of the owners are unique holding at least one item from the collection.

Focusing on the past 30 days’ performance, the collection collected a volume of 1.5 ETH with total sales of 5. The eye-catching visuals and fragrance of roses are going to bloom in the NFT garden.    


The Bitchcoin NFT project was introduced by Sarah Meyohas in May 2021. The project is streaming over the Ethereum blockchain and is categorized into the photography category. The collection of 3,289 items is all set to energize the NFT space.   

Nancy J. Allen
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