Tezro for All Payments Under One Roof: An Executive Interview

  1. TheCoinRepublic: With the advent of so many tokens and cryptocurrencies, there are many wallet services that provide hot and cold wallets. There are also many escrow wallet services in the market. Can you elaborate on the idea how chats as direct use of payments mechanism makes the process more efficient, given there are challenges to accuracy and human interpretations?

Daniel Smith: Due to the speed of sending transactions within the framework of communication, the user does not need to constantly log into the service and check the status of the transactions. All information about the transaction is displayed directly in the chat.

  1. TheCoinRepublic: Your instant payments option doesn’t require registration, account creation etc. So how do you ensure the genuineness of the customer that the funds being paid are legitimate?

Alaxia Balazard: We have our own algorithms of protection and KYC using AI. Moreover, we use other platforms for KYC. That’s how we ensure that our users stay protected from fraud, and everyone on the platform is a verified person.

  1. TheCoinRepublic: Crypto wallets have faced a lot of attacks over the previous few years. Can you talk a little bit about the security protocols that your platform adopts? What on-chain solutions are in place to prevent defrauding during cross-chain bridge transfers, which are known to be typically vulnerable sites for hackers?

Daniel Smith: We use SunSub’s platform solutions to verify clients. We also have internal cryptographic solutions that allow us to detect fraudulent client behavior, and enable immediate on-chain problem-solving for seamless processes. These solutions ensure network integrity and instant elimination of malicious activity.

  1. TheCoinRepublic: The retail and e-commerce industry are poised to yield great advantages from being leveraged on metaverse. Since a majority chunk of the payment transactions involve the retailers, are there any plans of Tezro to integrate with various metaverses for the exchange of assets?

Daniel Smith: No, as of now, we don’t have specific plans about going to the metaverse.

Alaxia Balazard: However, on the subject of integrating with the metaverse and virtual reality, we do have a function of NFT. It’s like an NFT auction. Everybody can buy an NFT object of masterpieces, digital collectibles, 3D virtual objects etc. using different currencies, including crypto, on Tezro.

  1. TheCoinRepublic: Are there any reward points or other yield opportunities to using the Tezro wallet, which can be redeemed for the benefit of the users? If so, then what kind of benefit does a user gain from using services?

Daniel Smith: Reward point structure isn’t mapped out yet. But as far as our services go, we already have a very low commission into Tezro. This ensures overall reduction in costs for the users, as compared to when they use other transaction platforms.

Alaxia Balazard: Moreover, the main idea of Tezro is one Super App for different functions including calls, money transfer, bank transfers, chat and so on. It’s very convenient to communicate and send money. Benefit of using Tezro is that it integrates real money as well, so the user doesn’t have to go and access different multiple platforms for managing their assets. Tezro is everything under a single roof, at very low cost.

  1. TheCoinRepublic: Your gift cards feature is really exciting. Assuming that it is necessary to allow fiat off-ramp conversions while sending gifts, which options other than VISA and Master Card are available for the senders?

Daniel Smith: Yeah, the gift cards feature keeps in view that not everyone might be using cryptocurrencies, which is why it allows convenient  transactions using fiat services. So for now, MasterCard, Visa and UnionPay are enabled on the platform, which are used by millions of people around the globe, holding the vast majority of banking market share.

  1. TheCoinRepublic: Sotbids Auction on Trezor is something which seems very intriguing. Can you explain a little bit more about how it works, and what advantages does it hold in comparison to other platforms?

Alaxia Balazard: Every person can buy and sell different arts using our platform, which includes NFTs as well. We give the users an opportunity to take part in these auctions through Tezro. The main advantage of going to Tezro is the ability to use different currencies, including crypto. And that’s why, it’s very convenient to buy and sell art, and other digital collectibles like NFTs for the users among each other using our auction function. It eliminates the need to interconvert currencies and on-ramping for cryptocurrencies for someone wishing to purchase an NFT. This is especially useful, as there are more and more physical art pieces these days that are being minted as NFTs on-chain, which then necessitates crypto adoption for an average art collector who isn’t into cryptocurrencies.

  1. TheCoinRepublic: Tezro API helps merchants fight frauds, and also allows for live-streaming of shopping. How does Tezro ensure authenticity of the products delivered and protect consumer interest?

Daniel Smith: After the purchase, we receive the status of the order from the API trading platforms. That is, if the store tracks the price, then inside the Tezro API, we will be able to find out all the details of the order and the products. Then we have tools to verify the sources of the packaged material, and scan through to ensure that the goods are actually there and in undamaged condition. This is how our API prevents defrauding and tampering of retail goods.

Disclaimer: The article is a transcription of the interview conducted by RJ Soniya Ahuja. No statement or comment in the article is a direct or indirect portrayal of the writer’s views or opinions. The interview does not intend to promote, demote, or demean any organization or community. It also does not intend to give the readers any financial or investment advice.

Soniya Ahuja
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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/10/11/tezro-for-all-payments-under-one-roof-an-executive-interview/