Stanford University intends to refund $5.5M received from the FTX foundation

In a rapidly evolving situation that interweaves the worlds of cryptocurrency, academia, and art, Stanford University and the Metropolitan Museum of Art have found themselves entangled in the financial web spun by the once-prominent crypto exchange, FTX. Allegations of fund rerouting by family members of FTX’s founder have thrust the entities into the spotlight, prompting a deep dive into the nature and intent of donations made. 

The background: Ties between Stanford and the Bankman-Fried family

Stanford University, an esteemed institution recognized globally for its contributions to academia and research, recently found itself embroiled in a controversy. The allegations suggest that Joseph Bankman and Barbara Fried, both professors of law at the institution and parents of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried, had rerouted some of the company’s funds to the university. The implications of this alleged financial move are rife with conflict of interest, given the familial ties and the nature of the donation.

Recent documentation reveals that from November 2021 to May 2022, Stanford University received gifts amounting to $5.5 million from entities related to FTX. The revelations are striking not just due to the sheer amount of money involved but also the nature of its alleged misuse. It’s insinuated that Bankman and Fried took advantage of their positions within FTX, leveraging their influence to redirect these funds to causes they were personally invested in.

Yet, the controversial donations to Stanford University weren’t the sole financial moves that raised eyebrows. Reports indicate that Bankman and Fried were also beneficiaries of an opulent 30,000-square-foot Bahamian residence valued at a staggering $16.4 million. Moreover, the couple also reportedly received a cash gift of $10 million from their entrepreneur son.

FTX’s controversial financial transactions

Following the downturn of FTX in November 2022 and its subsequent decision to seek bankruptcy protection, FTX Debtors and their advisers have been on a mission to reclaim their funds. Much of these funds had been disbursed as donations and gifts to a myriad of recipients, including political entities.

The situation at Stanford, however, is particularly noteworthy. While the donations were reportedly earmarked for pandemic-related prevention and research, the manner of their disbursement has come under heavy scrutiny. Court filings boldly allege that the contributions to Stanford University were in no way beneficial to FTX Group. Instead, they are described as blatant self-dealings of Bankman, who, it’s claimed, was attempting to curry favor with and personally enrich himself at the expense of his employer, FTX Group.

It’s essential to distinguish these allegations from other contributions made by SBF, particularly those to political entities. Contributions to political factions have been labeled as “fraudulent transfers” in litigation, and as a result, there is a concerted effort to see these funds returned.

Institutions begin to respond: The ripple effect

In light of these allegations, a spokesperson from Stanford University confirmed the reception of gifts from the FTX Foundation and FTX-associated corporations. The university is currently consulting with legal counsel on the most appropriate way to manage the refund. The university’s stance is clear: it aims to return the entirety of the funds to the FTX Debtors.

But Stanford isn’t the only institution reckoning with this situation. The renowned Metropolitan Museum of Art, another beneficiary of FTX’s generosity, found itself grappling with a similar dilemma. As a result of deliberations undertaken in “good faith, arm’s length negotiations”, the museum resolved to return $550,000 in donations during Q2 2023.


As more details emerge, it becomes evident that the ramifications of FTX’s alleged financial misconduct extend far beyond the crypto realm, touching even the hallowed halls of academia and the arts. The broader community will keenly watch the outcomes of these refunds and their implications on both the institutions and the future of transparent financial dealings in the crypto industry.
