SEC accuses former FTX auditor of violating independence rules – Cryptopolitan


  • The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has accused a former FTX auditor of violating auditor independence rules.
  • Auditor independence and its role in financial reporting.

In a recent court filing, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has accused Prager Metis, the former auditing firm of bankrupt crypto exchange FTX, of violating U.S. auditor independence rules. The SEC alleges that Prager Metis assisted its clients, including 62 entities registered with the regulator, in breaking federal securities laws. As a result, the SEC is seeking an injunction against the auditing firm and pursuing fines, as well as the forfeiture of any profits gained from illegal activities.

SEC seeks injunction against Prager Metis

Prager Metis, which audited FTX’s international arm, reported $1 billion in revenues in 2021. This report came on the same day that FTX filed for bankruptcy in the U.S., revealing a $7 billion shortfall on its balance sheet. It’s worth noting that FTX had ambitious plans to establish a presence in the Metaverse. However, the SEC’s complaint is not primarily focused on Prager Metis’s connection to FTX but rather on agreements the auditing firm made with various clients.

According to the SEC’s filing with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Prager Metis breached auditor independence standards by entering into agreements with indemnification provisions. These provisions allowed clients to release Prager Metis from liabilities and costs stemming from its services, particularly those related to “knowing misrepresentations by management.” The regulator also alleges that Prager Metis was made aware of these violations as early as January 2019.

The SEC emphasized the importance of auditor independence in its complaint. Eric I. Bustillo, the director of the SEC’s Miami regional office, stated, that auditor independence is very important to the integrity of financial reporting. He noted that as the agency has mentioned in its complaint, Prager Metis fell short of the required audits, reviews, and exams over the last three months. He also noted that investors should note that auditor independence is also required to protect them.

Auditor independence and its role in financial reporting

This case highlights the significance of maintaining independence and impartiality in the auditing profession. Auditor independence is a cornerstone of financial reporting and is vital for ensuring that investors and the public can trust the accuracy and reliability of financial statements and disclosures. When auditors compromise their independence, it can have serious consequences for the integrity of financial markets and the protection of investors.

The allegations against Prager Metis also raise questions about the oversight and regulation of auditing firms. The SEC’s role in enforcing auditor independence rules underscores the importance of regulatory agencies in upholding standards within the financial industry. Ensuring that auditors maintain their independence is essential for preserving the integrity of financial markets and preventing fraudulent activities.

It is important to note that this case is not unique, and instances of auditing firms facing legal challenges over their independence or conduct have occurred in the past. These cases serve as reminders of the ongoing need for transparency, accountability, and rigorous oversight in the auditing profession. Investors and the public rely on auditors to provide unbiased assessments of financial information, and any breach of that trust can have far-reaching consequences.

The SEC’s allegations against Prager Metis for violating auditor independence rules serve as a reminder of the critical role auditors play in maintaining the integrity of financial reporting. The outcome of this case will have implications for auditing standards and regulations, underscoring the need for vigilance in upholding the principles of independence and transparency in the auditing profession.

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