Seaport Now Has Polygon Support

OpenSea introduced a brand-new, open-source Web3 market interface for purchasing and selling NFTs in June under the name Seaport. Since it was initially introduced on ETH, Seaport has improved its community’s experience by adding more features and reducing the cost of using Web3 markets like OpenSea.

After analyzing Seaport’s effects for several months and gathering suggestions, OpenSea is thrilled to launch Polygon compatibility on Seaport. They will also introduce compatibility for Klaytn and other EMV-compatible chains in the upcoming months.

Originally, the 0x standard was used to operate Polygon on OpenSea. Last year, the OpenSea marketplace has enabled Polygon usage. Additionally, they are now unifying their technology to offer a more reliable selling and buying experience comparable to other chains by transferring Polygon to Seaport. Additionally, the change will speed up the delivery of new functionality throughout all EVM-compatible chains.

They’re thrilled to introduce several additional features that will enhance the purchasing and selling experiences with Polygon now that it is enabled on Seaport: Here’s what to anticipate:-

  • No listing minimums: The $5 minimum for listing and purchasing Polygon NFTs have been removed. To assist stop low-intent offers, there will now be a $1 minimum for offers.
  • Support for native tokens: In MATIC, Polygon’s native token, buyers and sellers can register and conduct transactions.
  • Several creator fees: Up to four payout addresses can be specified by creators for instant payments.
  • Options for collection and attributes: Offers for collection and attributes Collection offers (deals on each component in the collection) will be offered for the great majority of Polygon NFT collections. Additionally, creators can allow attribute offerings (offers for all items in a collection that match the requested attribute).
  • Dutch and English auctions: Sellers will have the option to conduct both English (ascending bid) and Dutch (descending bid) bids.
  • Record as bundles: Sellers can advertise Polygon NFTs as packages that can be bought together by listing them as bundles.
  • Buying for another wallet: Customers can buy for another wallet, such as hardware or a multisig wallet for a buddy.
  • Batch Transfers: Users can simultaneously send several Polygon NFTs to the same wallet.

As a result of the switch to Seaport, OpenSea now accepts payments made with MATIC, Polygon’s native token. Any user of OpenSea who transacts on Polygon will also be responsible for covering their gas costs while utilizing MATIC.

A non-fungible token is a brand-new category of digital goods that excites the team at OpenSea. Exciting new characteristics of NFTs include their singularity, demonstrable scarcity, tradeability, and adaptability to various applications. You can do anything you want to do with them, just like you can with tangible products! You could toss them in the garbage, send them as a present to a friend overseas, or offer them on a public market. They do, however, have all the completely programmable digital goods, unlike physical objects.

A crucial aspect of their worldview is their conviction that innovative new economies will be made feasible by open protocols like Ethereum and suitable standards like ERC-721 and ERC-1155.
