Sandstorm Announces Marketplace Build Proposals Going Live

Sandstorm takes immense pride and, with great enthusiasm, announces their marketplace build proposals are finally going live. Working and building patiently and meticulously all these months, the day has finally dawned. One of its kind and the very first platform for on-demand metaverse building has been set in place. 

Through this innovative bid-based system, various brands consisting of individual builders and metaverse development studies will come together and share the same space. This will prove to be a huge push for the open metaverse construction market and its unfathomable expansion. 

Following their beta launch in the month of March 2022 at SXSW, they take pride in acknowledging the fact that they are now the largest ever metaverse builder community. In a global context, they are connecting with well over 10 million prospective brands and like agencies to have a stake and share in the virtual world, which is achieved on a monthly basis and growing. 

Undoubtedly, this will now be the viable platform for every known name involved with the builder world and metaverse development studios to bid on winning proposals. Through this open bid formula, brands can now successfully form teams comprising of the very best in the trade and carry out detailing and execution of enviable projects. 

There is no room now for individual players showcasing their skills but limiting true growth prospects. All of this can be achieved and brought to life from a single dashboard. The real potential of it all is, in actuality, staggering to comprehend. 

To take things further, after much trial and error and some serious considerations, Sandstorm has been instrumental in easing the entry criteria for all brands coming on board for their active participation. This was done keeping in mind the kind of overwhelming response they were getting. 

Not surprising, though, that this decision has opened the doors for more experts to bid and, by doing so, bring various kinds of unique skills to the table. This will also help in curtailing the cost factor of projects immensely, as the marketplace will inevitably become much more competitive. More power to the builders and more opportunities for studious will be the day’s outcome. The building world’s perceptions and possibilities are about to change forever.
