Samsung Promises New TV Feature to NFT Support

Non-fungible tokens are surrounded by a lot of questions. One of them is the ease of exploring them. Buying an NFT is a challenge that many interested collectors discuss among themselves.

Overall, there is a lot of uncertainty, and this is about to be resolved. Samsung’s division of smart television has announced that it is launching a new feature. It will offer support to the NFT market and collectors.

Samsung’s New TV Feature

Samsung has begun the new year with an interesting press release where it announced the launch of a new feature. This attracts the attention of the generation that has glued its eyes to the concept of buying digital art since the inception of NFTs.

According to its press release, the smart television line-up of 2022 will get a new feature that supports the NFT market.

This support will extend to artists and collectors alike. It will enable all the artists to list their digital art on the platform while allowing the interested collectors to explore the listings.

The company said in the press release that it was introducing the world’s first TV screen-based NFT marketplace.

That is true as NFT has only been restricted to mobile devices and laptop screens till now. No other TV manufacturer has taken this step until now. Once launched by Samsung, other manufacturers are expected to follow the trend.

For now, the feature will reportedly allow potential collectors to browse, buy, and showcase the digital art purchased by them. They will be able to preview the NFT before buying it. The feature will also make available the history attached to the digital art.

Additionally, collectors will be able to learn about the blockchain metadata of digital art.

Samsung is not just launching a perfect marketplace for digital artists. It is also offering a smart calibration feature to them.

That is a feature that has been worn proudly on the shoulder by Netflix and Dolby Vision. Samsung will now replicate it on its smart TV lineup of 2022.

The feature will adjust the display of the digital art to showcase the true to the original image quality. Collectors will not have to perform any action. The adjustment would be made by the smart television automatically.

Collectors will be able to view the list of their NFTs at the top and explore more from other sections that will be below it.

Samsung is keeping everyone on their toes. It has been said that more details will follow soon with the unveiling of every smart TV’s 2022 line-up.

Competitors will definitely keep a watch about how it is welcomed by the customers. If the response is positive, then more such smart TV manufacturers can be expected to follow the trend. If negative, then one can only hope that the trend declines smoothly without harming any customer.
