S.Korea Science Ministry Unveil Ethical Principle for ‘Metaverse’


  • The Ministry of Science and ICT unpacks the first draft for ethical principle for the metaverse.
  • It includes fundamental growth and participation in the metaverse.

The Ministry of Science and ICT of the government of South Korea, announced its pan-government strategy on metaverse. The Ministry released three values for the participants of metaverse. It includes participant’s self-identity, safe enjoyment and sustainable prosperity.

Ethical Principle for Metaverse

The S.Korea Ministry announced eight principles to keep the values for practice in participating in the metaverse. These principles contain Authenticity, Autonomy, Reciprocity, Respect for Privacy, Fairness, Data Protection, Inclusion, and Responsibility.

MIST plans to look forward along with the relevant departments, industries, experts, industries, and civic organisations to finalise the draft till the end of 2022. It leads toward the actual use case in the metaverse platform.

Furthermore, the Ministry speaks up on the concerns that surround interaction in the metaverse which are related to youth protection, personal information, and copyright. It must be noted that in recent year, there were major cases which include a minor sexual harrasments and abused on metaverse.

MIST Press Release

In its press release, the MIST shared about the four main subjects: Reinvigorate, Nurture Experts, Nurture Companies, and the Creation of an Exemplary Metaverse World.

Lim Hye-Sook, who is the Former Minister of Science and ICT of Government of South Korea, stated in the press release, “metaverse is an uncharted digital continent with indefinite potential. Anyone can realise their dreams. In particular, the metaverse will become a place where the youth can take up more challenges, grow and leap forward to a greater world. The Ministry will ensure to implement the diverse support strategies faithfully, so that South Korea can become a leading global metaverse country.” The following statement by Hye-sook noted from the press release published on January, 20, 2022.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/08/29/s-korea-science-ministry-unveil-ethical-principle-for-metaverse/