Rolling Stone Names Jimi Hendrix The Greatest Guitar Player Of All Time

Music magazine Rolling Stone is perhaps best known these days not for its interviews, covers or even its album reviews, but rather for its famous lists. Now, the outlet has released its ranking of the greatest guitar players of all time, and the musician who landed at No. 1 certainly deserves the top spot.

Jimi Hendrix has been named the No. 1 greatest guitar player of all time, according to Rolling Stone. The magazine states that “He was a showman who played with his teeth or behind his back,” adding that “underneath all the theatrics is the true master of the instrument.”

Rolling Stone points out that while his professional career only lasted less than a decade–eight years, actually–his impact cannot be measured. People who are learning to play the instrument, or who want to perfect their skills, still watch and listen to Hendrix to this day for inspiration and guidance.

The article goes on to point out that not only was Hendrix great at what he did, but he was a true creative genius and an innovator. “He popularized the use of feedback, invented his own fusion of blues and psychedelia, and influenced the development of rock, metal, funk, and much more,” Rolling Stone explains in its write-up of the singer-songwriter.

Hendrix leads a 250-person list that includes many beloved artists, mostly in rock, but, of course, someone must end up at No. 1. Rounding out the top five on the ranking are Chuck Berry at No. 2, Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin and Yardbirds fame at No. 3, Eddie Van Halen at No. 4 and finally Jeff Beck at No. 5.

Rolling Stone regularly publishes new rankings of anything and everything connected to music and updates its already public lists. The magazine seemingly drives a lot of online traffic and social chatter with these lists, which often become topics to be debated. Its tallies of the best albums, songs and vocalists that have all been published in the past few years have generated plenty of controversy but also lighthearted conversation.

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