Roger Ver’s Tax Evasion Charges

Roger Ver, also known as “Bitcoin Jesus,” faces arrest in Spain over alleged tax evasion and fraud by the U.S. DOJ. He’s accused of not paying nearly $50 Million in taxes on his Bitcoin holdings. Extradition to the U.S. is sought for trial.

The arrest sparks debate in the crypto community. Some see it as necessary accountability, others as a witch hunt against a crypto pioneer. Regardless, it’s a significant event that potentially impacts crypto regulation and taxation.

The Rise & Fall Of A Crypto Evangelist

Roger Ver’s entry into the cryptocurrency realm dates back to Bitcoin’s early days when he recognized its potential and became an early investor and advocate. His fervent advocacy for the digital currency earned him the nickname “Bitcoin Jesus” as he tirelessly promoted its adoption and mainstream recognition.

However, according to the DOJ’s indictment, Ver’s enthusiasm for Bitcoin did not align with compliance with tax regulations. Allegedly, in 2014, Ver acquired citizenship in St. Kitts and Nevis and renounced his U.S. citizenship, a process called expulsion. 

Under U.S. law, Ver must file tax returns reporting capital gains from selling his global assets, including his significant Bitcoin holdings, and pay an “exit tax” on those gains.

The DOJ claims that Ver provided false or misleading information to his law firm and appraiser, concealing the true extent of his Bitcoin holdings and leading to the filing of false tax returns that substantially undervalued his assets and failed to report his ownership of Bitcoin.

The Alleged Tax Evasion Scheme

According to the indictment, Ver’s alleged tax evasion scheme was elaborate and lucrative. At the time of his exile in 2014, the DOJ alleged that Ver and his companies owned approximately 131,000 bitcoins, worth around $871 each at the time, with 73,000 of those bitcoins held directly by Ver’s companies, Inc. and Inc.

By June 2017, Ver’s companies still held approximately 70,000 bitcoins, which Ver allegedly took possession of. 

In November 2017, as the value of Bitcoin surged, Ver was accused of selling tens of thousands of those bitcoins on cryptocurrency exchanges for approximately $240 Million in cash.

Despite this windfall, the DOJ claims that Ver concealed the distribution of his companies’ bitcoins to himself from his accountant, resulting in his 2017 individual income tax return failing to report any gain or pay any tax related to the sale of those bitcoins. 

The DOJ alleges that Ver caused the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) a loss of at least $48 Million.

The Crypto Community’s Divided Response

Ver’s arrest and the charges sparked varied reactions within the crypto community. Some support the pursuit of accountability, while others see it as governmental overreach.

A former Kraken exchange executive, Dan Held, publicly voiced satisfaction with Ver’s situation, attributing it to alleged actions damaging Bitcoin. Conversely, some defend Ver as a crypto pioneer, emphasizing his role in Bitcoin’s adoption and mainstream acceptance, regardless of the charges.

As the case unfolds, it will reignite crypto regulation and taxation debates. Supporters of tighter oversight may cite Ver’s case as justification, while others warn against stifling innovation and infringing on decentralization principles.


Roger Ver’s arrest and US Department of Justice charges of tax evasion and fraud constitute a watershed point in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. 

While the case’s outcome is uncertain, it has sparked discussion about innovation, regulation, individual liberty, and accountability in the crypto world.

As authorities worldwide grapple with digital asset challenges, Ver’s case may shape cryptocurrency regulation and taxation. Whether it’s a warning or a call for more oversight, Ver’s downfall will have lasting effects on the crypto world.
