PancakeSwap & GoogleCloud join hands to revolutionize trading

Google has entered the big picture of trading amid the rising trend of decentralized finance, DeFi. This is through GoogeCloud and a partnership with PancakeSwap. The Cloud service platform is granting access to its cutting-edge technology and scalable resources to PancakeSwap, enabling the venture to provide a seamless experience and secured trade offerings.

The community of PancakeSwap benefits from this integration. They get the factor of convenience to trade from any place in the world.

Based in Singapore, PancakeSwap is a DeFi trading platform that aims to walk upfront in the DeFi innovation. Having GoogleCloud with them simultaneously empowers the team to keep their services available throughout the day and night. Meaning users can avail of the services by PancakeSwap whenever they want and from wherever they want.

Results that GoogleCloud is expected to handover to PancakeSwap can be briefly summarized in the following manner:-

  • Scalability during rush hours
  • Leveraging Cloud Armor to filter data that is sensitive
  • Connect users to BNB endpoints with load balancing
  • Engage with audit firms to eliminate loopholes
  • Predict spike and help save cost by 30%

Moving forward, PancakeSwap wants to explore the NFT segment and have more chains on board. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, will be coupled with many more spaces for exploration.

Chef Jojo, the Technical Lead at PancakeSwap, has spoken at length about the development. They have even highlighted why their contributors are assigned a pseudonym, including their own Chef Jojo title.

The fundamental idea is to keep their identities secret and send an internal message that working on a project and for the community is above everything else. Needless to say, the statement is an interpretation in layman’s language. Official statements could put this forward in more technical terminology.

Moving on to details about the project by PancakeSwap and GoogleCloud. The platform is known to allow users to trade cryptocurrencies anytime they want. However, that was internally convenient when the team was just getting started. Now that the number of users is rising, they are looking for an option that can give them a decent enough uptime of 99.99%.

Enter GoogleCloud, which helps maintain availability during the much-needed time of volatility.

Is it crucial? Yes, imagine a phase where one wants to drop the token to reap profits. They are unable to do so because the platform is under maintenance or experiencing heavy traffic. The next thing one knows, the token has lost its value while the platform is ready to be used.

A similar tone has been echoed by Chef. They have stated that the simpler infrastructure was no more enough to handle the size of the crowd they now hold.

Google Cloud Balancing will help them route the traffic to regional Kubernetes clusters. It will also allocate users to different endpoints so that the traffic is evenly spread out.
