Ontario government to defund GiveSendGo: to freedom convoy

  • The Superior Court of Justice in Canada has granted the Ontario Provincial government an order freezing millions of dollars in donations on the GiveSendGo platform from reaching the Freedom Convoy demonstrators.
  • The truckers have been refused access to funds after GoFundMe blocked $10 million in donations last week and eventually returned contributors in response to public protest.
  • “All money for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo pass straight to the recipients of those campaigns,” the business informed protesters.

“This is fantastic for Bitcoin”

Earlier, a group of supporters founded the HonkHonk Hodl organization expressly to assist the convoy in raising Bitcoin contributions. The group had raised 21 BTC ($902,000) at the time of writing.

According to OpenNode, a Bitcoin payment processor, the BTC payment solution is a possible alternative for people who have been restricted by traditional payment systems.

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Accepting Bitcoin donations, according to OpenNode, raises awareness of Bitcoin among donors and recipients and increases adoption.

Benjamin Dichter, one of the fundraiser’s organizers, agreed with Cheong. “This is fantastic for Bitcoin,” he tweeted today.

However, whether the Ontario government may freeze the payments is being debated. GiveSendGo tweeted today that the Canadian government has no control over how monies are administered on its platform in the United States. 

“All money for EVERY campaign on GiveSendGo pass straight to the recipients of those campaigns,” the business informed protesters.

However, while GiveSendGo is situated in Boston, the Canadian court injunction bars any Canadians from receiving the funds, according to Toronto Sun political journalist Brian Lilly. “Withdrawing it in the US and sending it here would be a violation,” he said.


Second attempt to defund

The most recent attempt to defund the demonstration involves payments made to the GiveSendGo fundraising platform’s “Freedom Convoy 2022” and “Adopt-a-Trucker” pages.  As of Thursday, “Freedom Convoy 2022” had raised $8.4 million, while “Adopt-a-Trucker” had raised $686,000.

The second attempt to prevent contributions from reaching the truckers via a traditional fundraising platform has resulted in additional Bitcoin donations.

This is the second time the truckers have been refused access to funds after GoFundMe blocked $10 million in donations last week and eventually returned contributors in response to public protest.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/02/16/ontario-government-to-defund-givesendgo-to-freedom-convoy/