North Korea Calls U.S as ‘King of Theft’

  • North Korean officials describe the US as a “hacker king, a wiretapping government, and a master in covert crime.”
  • North Korea accused the US on Thursday (Feb. 10) of stealing funds and committing shady cybercrime, just days after the UN accused Pyongyang of launching cyberattacks on cryptocurrency exchanges around the world.
  • According to the South Korean news outlet EDaily, the North Korean foreign ministry refuted recent UN monitors’ claims that North Korean hackers stole more than $50 million between 2020 and mid-2021.

North Korea has traditionally dominated the news cycle, not just for its “habitual” launch of ballistic missiles (which irritates Uncle Sam and his allies), but also for its penchant for (supposedly) stealing other countries’ crypto.

Crypto Theft of $50 million

According to the South Korean news outlet EDaily, the North Korean foreign ministry refuted recent UN monitors’ claims that North Korean hackers stole more than $50 million between 2020 and mid-2021.

Although the UN observers did not expressly mention the US, they claimed that the material was obtained from a “member nation,” and they also included data gathered by Chainalysis, an American corporation, that is investigating alleged North Korean crypto raids.

Kommersant claimed in 2020 that a cyber group known as “Kimsuky” exploited the COVID-19 epidemic by utilizing so-called spear-phishing methods to obtain top-secret material from Russian defense businesses.

According to security firm Ahn Labs, Kumsuki has also been linked to an attack that employs infected Microsoft Word documents.

“Accomplish its hegemony ambitions”

The North Korean ministry claimed that charges of crypto theft were an “attack” on the country’s “sovereignty,” listing examples of “disgusting behavior” that the ministry would not tolerate.

It went on to say that Washington is using humanity’s common virtual ground to “accomplish its hegemony ambitions.”

Experts in Seoul and Washington said in 2019 that Pyongyang had trained a group of at least 30 “elite cyber fighters” and urged them to recklessly infiltrate Western and Western-allied crypto targets.

Meanwhile, Pyongyang is said to be dissatisfied withholding its crypto treasure eternally, with South Korean experts suggesting that selling off their stolen crypto-assets is the ultimate challenge for North Korean hackers.

Pyongyang also stated that the confessions of former American computer intelligence specialist Edward Snowden, who disclosed that US security organizations spied on their own citizens, supported all of this.

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