Nancy Pelosi beat every hedge fund in 2023

As the new year commences, Nancy Pelosi, a former House Speaker and leader of the House Democrats for two decades, outshone every hedge fund in 2023. 

Recognized as one of the most actively involved stock traders among United States politicians, Pelosi’s performance in 2023 is of significant interest.

Pelosi and her husband, Paul, hold a diversified selection of stocks, and investors often draw insights from her trading success. Her trading performance brought her gains of 65% in the previous year, which means that she outperformed the big industry players, as per a post on X from stock trading tracker Inverse Cramer on January 5.

Performance of hedge funds in the previous year. Source: Inverse Cramer
Performance of hedge funds in the previous year. Source: Inverse Cramer

Pelosi not among the top 5 politicians with biggest gains

Beating hedge funds does guarantee success but doesn’t make you a great trader among politicians, especially if you are Nancy Pelosi.

Despite her 65% returns in the previous year, she doesn’t rank among the top 5 politicians who made the most significant gains.

Brian Higgins, a Congressman from Buffalo, New York, sits confidently in first place with remarkable gains of 238.9% on his investments in the previous year.

Politicians Mark Green, Garret Graves, and David Rouzer saw their investments returning more than 100% in 2023.

Pelosi made the top 10 just barely, as four more of her colleagues had more success than her, according to a post from stock and crypto reporter Unusual Whales on January 2.

Politicians' performance in the stock market and returns. Source: Unusual Whales
Politicians’ performance in the stock market and returns. Source: Unusual Whales

Democrats beat their counterparts and the stock market by a notable percentage of 31.18%, while SPY had 24.81%, and Republicans had 17.99% returns on their investments.

Returns of Democrats, SPY, and Republicans in 2023. Source: Unusual Whales
Returns of Democrats, SPY, and Republicans in 2023. Source: Unusual Whales

Whether this trend will continue in 2024, or insider trading will die down or get regulated by law, remains to be seen, but if something is to be learned from the past, traders are not optimistic.
