Nakamoto Games collaborates with the government of Thailand

Nakamoto Games goes ahead and forms a close collaboration with the government of Thailand, as well as the universities there, the aim and intention of introducing blockchain gaming. In their opinion, this will help in bringing about a change forever in the way the digital realm is viewed upon.

In this regard, the entity formed an association with Mahidol University and helped sponsor an event that was duly organized at the National Science Museum in Thailand. People attending this were exposed to the link between blockchain gaming with technology. Through this association, the company has been able to make its mark in the area of blockchain gaming, as well as the metaverse framework. Mahidol University, on its own part, is a leading center of learning and is involved in machine learning, as well as coding and research. 

As per the understanding between the two entities, Nakamoto Games has begun introducing hackathons throughout the institutions existing in Thailand. Through this, options are provided for students to have exposure to learning, as well as building and carrying out innovations inside of the blockchain gaming space, with the help of the company’s program. 

The entity has also been instrumental in forging alliances with the government set-ups in Thailand. The idea is to be able to match crypto-related policies with blockchain-oriented incentive frameworks and with the incorporation of play-to-earn programs. Their aim is to introduce blockchain technology in every aspect of the framework of the country. 

In order to effectively promote blockchain gaming and the development of smart cities, the company has delivered the NAKAVERSE 2.0. Through this comes the introduction of a metaverse reality, which in actuality, is a digital world that resembles the real world. 

This is a 3D virtual space that provides the option for the population to be able to learn, as well as earn and interact, which will, in turn, help in the growth of the country’s economy. Where the entity’s gaming platform is concerned, it is home to roughly two hundred play-to-earn games through which gamers can earn for themselves. It plays the role of yet another way of earning and also helps in increasing employment opportunities. 

The NAKAVERSE 2.0 is paving the way for bringing together gaming, as well as blockchain technology, and digital city planning and forming smart cities, which come with loads of options for the citizens. With the positive way the entire program is running, more and more institutions and government bodies are getting inclined to join the bandwagon of overall growth in every aspect. 
