Montenegrin government made Vitalik a citizen: To promote its attempts

As part of its desire to become a hub for blockchain innovation, the Montenegrin government has apparently made Ethereum developer Vitalik Buterin its newest citizen.

The small southeast European nation is beginning to wade through the muddy waters of blockchain governance by conferring citizenship on the Ethereum co-founder.

Help to promote

According to Montenegrin news site RTCB, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapi requested Buterin get the honor in order to help the southeastern European country promote its attempts to become a blockchain innovation center.

Although no formal statement has been made, this photo was apparently posted by Minister of Finance and Social Welfare Milojko Spaji when Buterin acquired his passport.

On April 7, Montenegro hosted the Ethereum (ETH) co-founder at the Future Now! panel discussion, which was chaired by Minister Spaji. Buterin, Ethereum researcher Vlad Zamfir, University of Memphis Professor of law Boris Mamlyk, and Minister Spaji were among the panelists who discussed the legality of blockchain identification, smart contracts in government, and other topics.

Prime Minister Krivokapi, Buterin, and a number of other government officials met on April 4 to discuss Montenegro’s options in the blockchain industry, according to local news site Mina.  One critical point raised was how to govern cryptocurrency for his people.

Minister Spaji noted that while his government aims to be tough on criminals in the industry, he believes that fairness will boost growth and “eliminate the grey economy in all areas.”

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Montenegro’s government is now delving into the complex regulatory entanglements that arise from incorporating blockchain technology into its numerous systems.

During the Future Now! the event, the panelists discussed how people can legally create a community using blockchain, legally verify their identity, and protect themselves from identity theft.

Mamlyk proposed that decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) might distribute DAO tokens to members in order to validate their membership while maintaining their privacy. 

Buterin responded to Wyoming, which recognizes DAOs as legal organizations when asked if Montenegro should allow corporations to register as DAOs.

Nancy J. Allen
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