Metaverse Is Sure An Emerging Technology But Is Imperfect & Still Far From Entering Our Daily Lives 

The world can’t avert its eyes from virtual world platforms such as Meta (formerly Facebook) that are bringing in technological revolution and transforming our day-to-day lives. 

These platforms are being considered the biggest technological disruption in the lives of human beings while being seen as a multi-trillion-dollar opportunity for businesses. But some believe are still skeptical about the technology and believe that the emerging technology might entirely not be as good as it seems to be, at least in today’s context. 

There is a lack of technological architecture which will offer the immersive experience it promises. For instance, back in October when Facebook used live performances in metaverse video. The concept of living authentic real-world experiences through a headset seems quite absurd. On top of that, a virtual reality headset becoming a must-have in every household seems even more far-fetched. 

Advanced VR equipment is potentially the gadgets needed to have an immersive experience yet the customers have shown resistance to purchasing these bulky and quite expensive VR headsets. More than five years ago, the first Oculus headset was launched but it is nowhere close to gaining mainstream adoption.

Accessibility to this Expensive equipment is what is needed to set the users up for any technological innovation.

The issues on the internet are already starting to plague our new virtual-reality space. Horizon Worlds, the latest release, is Meta’s first project for the Oculus VR headsets. As per the reports from, the incidents of sexual harassment are already happening in the metaverse space. 

Toxicity is widespread in social media, however, it is going to be even more difficult to tackle it in the metaverse if it is to be a digital utopia. Individuals and groups will have difficulty imagining a future that will be controlled by hostile virtual realities.

Meta has already implemented a solution in the form of a “safe zone” that can act as a protective bubble where no one is able to touch or talk to a user. It is also making blocking others as easy as possible.

However, Meta has already come up with a solution called a “safe zone” that would act as a protective bubble where no one will talk to or touch a user.

Nonetheless, Regulating hate, harassment and free ­speech can prove to be a great hurdle for Meta. Though it has devised plans for community moderation, it has yet to provide recommendations for policing a full-scaled metaverse.

Meanwhile, Horizon Worlds seems more like an experiment. There is also no timeline for the meta’s metaverse full release, therefore it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it can take years or even decades to enter into our daily life. 

Nonetheless, it didn’t stop the businesses from announcing their metaverse venture or expanding on their existing platforms, be it Coca-Cola, Gucci, JPMorgan, Disney, or Adidas. 

Metaverse can certainly be imagined as a reality in the future, however, it remains to be far-fetched from the idyllic and immersive vision by tech giants looking to benefit from it. 

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