Menthol Protocol Announces Partnership With LandX Finance

Menthol Protocol is extremely pleased and takes great pride in announcing their partnership with LandX Finance, in the form of a real win-win situation partnership, to continue on the path of their combined vision and breathe life into it. This will enable them to push successfully ahead with their plans of moving from regenerative Web3 to the resurrection of real-time farmers. 

The identity of LandX is that it is a Perpetual Commodity Vaults Protocol, which effectively provides and allows real-time farmers to easily and productively engage with investors in need of acquiring crop shares by dealing with liquid tokens. To complete the picture in totality, Menthol being a sustainability protocol, along with LandX, will be in the comfortable position of enabling automated climate positivity. This, in turn, will assist them in all matters on their combined internal processes. Further still, this will undoubtedly be a massive boost in terms of their connected community and partner ecosystems in a very effective fashion. 

This effective partnership stemmed from the fact and their understanding and close study that farmers on the whole, perennially, require funds, a difficult commodity to lay one’s hand on, and this situation exists in practically all parts of the globe. In answer to this predicament, LandX provides the farmers with the necessary funding in exchange for a subsequent amount of their farm produce. With intentions to add more agricultural products in the future, LandX presently accepts land with crop-share measured in units of corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, and Arabica coffee.

On the other hand, Menthol Protocol is involved in and has the vision of creating a better and wider regenerative change. Now, coupled with the contributions from LandX, it is sure to begin achieving and breathing life into the vision that they both unitedly share.
