Magic Carnival With New Updates

RollerCoin recently announced the release of Season 6: Magic Carnival. The platform is set to launch new additions, like the Metagame 2.0 upgrade, a new marketplace, and more rewards with the season.

The game shared an official post to inform users about the season and the features it accompanies. The new season will offer:-

  • A set of magical miners 
  • New season store and Roller Season token
  • Updated rewards (daily and weekly)
  • Magic Beasts Community Case
  • New Marketplace
  • Metagame 2.0 upgrade with improved RollerEconomy and Merge System

Given the abundance of features, the announcement made a huge buzz in the market. Many new users even looked for an in-depth RollerCoin review to assess its functionalities before playing.

Besides comprehending the details about RollerCoin, these users also learned about the new Season Pass. The game is letting players get a Golden Ticket to experience the Magical Carnival show in an unseen manner.

A set of ten miners will offer an unprecedented 2259501 Gh/s of mining power. Here is a quick overview of these miners:-

  1. The Golden Ticket – 162,500 Gh/s
  2. The Thrill Rider – 13,000 Gh/s
  3. Leap, The Frogo – 10 Gh/s
  4. Fortune Teller – 162,500 Gh/s
  5. Not-a-Loose-Cannon – 262,500 Gh/s
  6. The Savantron – 27,000 Gh/s
  7. Illusionist’s Box – 400,000 Gh/s
  8. Target Flooff – 56,000 Gh/s
  9. RollerShow – 90,000 Gh/s
  10. Guess-the-Card – 1,080,000 Gh/s

RollerCoin has also put immense thought into making the season viable for new players. That is why it offers 30 amazing rewards, 20 of which are free. Users can collect them by getting the Free Event Pass, grabbing the Bonus Power trophies, and completing the quest.

The new seasonal store will offer room skins, Craft Components Case, Season Store miners, and the Magic Beast Community Case. The latest season is expected to be a massive hit because RollerCoin is also releasing a new coin for mining.
