KuCoin Teams Up with CrossAngle to Bring Data Support

KuCoin is joining forces with CrossAngle, according to its blog post. The platform will receive support from Xangle, a virtual asset information platform developed and operated by CrossAngle. Xangle will play a pivotal role in Project discovery on KuCoin. This data research platform will also act as a third-party audit agency to oversee listings and screenings on the exchange platform.

KuCoin is currently one of the most popular crypto exchanges in the world. The platform has been a reliable option even since its inception in 2027, and it has earned the title “the People’s Exchange.” This versatile platform currently allows its users to access margin trading, spot trading, futures trading, P2P fiat trading, lending, staking, and mining.  In the last five years, the exchange has expanded its client base to more than 10 million users in 207 countries. According to popular KuCoin exchange reviews, you can trade with more than 600 cryptocurrencies and 1,000 trading pairs on this exchange.

As a part of its plans to expand the business, KuCoin officially joins CrossAngle. This integration will be a seminal part of the exchange’s move towards implementing next-level infrastructures. This will be made possible through Xangle, a data research platform. CrossAngle took the initiative to consolidate and standardize the information found in the market to make it accessible for everyone. Xangle is the tool created to achieve this end. According to CEO James Jun-woo Kim, this solid data-based ecosystem will help the users access a transparent investment culture devoid of speculation.

Xangle was founded in the latter half of 2018 and is operated by CrossAngle. This project expects to solve the pressing problems found in the crypto industry through data-based solutions. Xangle collects, consolidates, and standardizes the information found in the crypto ecosystem in order to eradicate problems like volatility. With its combination of on-chain and off-chain datasets, Xangle could offer a comprehensive overview for any crypto assets users are trying to invest in.

KuCoin CEO Jhonny Lyu believes that Xangle would catalyze the exchange’s plans to open the business for many more users. This Strategic Partnership will also transform the outlook of the exchange by integrating the information ecosystem of Xangle. The bigger picture of this partnership has goals to help the up-and-coming coming blockchain projects from Korea by integrating into this ecosystem. Moreover, Xangle will substantially bring down investment risks from crypto assets by providing accurate data on the exchange.

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/kucoin-teams-up-with-crossangle-to-bring-data-support/