Justin Bieber continues its NFTs buying spree

NFTs have attracted many globally with their unique nature. Whether its pixelated punks or some funny apes, everyone around the ecosystem seeks to acquire at least one kind of such token. Currently there are several enthusiasts in the industry from the sports, entertainment, and gaming industries. Simultaneously, Justin Bieber, one of the popular Canadian superstars has also dived in the ecosystem. Notably, Bieber is on a continuous buying spree and is acquiring more of the digital collectibles to its portfolio.

Justin Bieber is an NFTs aficionado

Justin Bieber is one of the most famous profiles on this planet. Recently, the Canadian superstar’s appetite for NFTs is on the peak, and is being considered as an NFTs aficionado.

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Beiber’s choice of preference is continuing unsurprisingly. Notably, he is interested in the millennial Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) project. Last week, he acquired BAYC #3001 for a whooping 500 ETH coins which was worth around $1.3 million at the time of purchase. Following the purchase, several enthusiasts suggested that the p[urchase of the token could be financed by the designer of Bieber’s fashion brand Drew, Gianpierre D’Alessandro.

And now the celebrity again purchased BAYC #3850 for 166 ETH coins which is currently worth approximately $470,000.

Latest purchase is made for the first time

According to the transaction details from the OpenSea marketplace, it has been observed that the latest Non-Fungible Token purchased by Justin Bieber from the BAYC NFTs collection has been sold for the first time. Indeed, prior to the latest purchase the crypto collectible was only transferred between different owners.

BAYC #3850 token has a number of rare characteristics. It is worth noting that the blue gang is found in only 0.89% of the collection. And the blue diamond teeths are found in only 0.78% of the collection.

According to data from OpenSea, the floor price of the tokens from the BAYC collection is 100.5 ETH worth $285k.

JustinBieberNFTS bought inBetweeners #1931

The Canadian artist controls the account but has posted images of several NFTs on his Instagram. One of the NFTs include the inBetweeeners #1931 which was actually purchased by the association with the address, JustinBieberNFTS.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/02/04/justin-bieber-continues-its-nfts-buying-spree/