JDI Group and Tensor Spearhead Revolutionary $20M Phoenix AI Ecosystem Fund

HONG KONG, CHINA, March 10th, 2024 – The AI and blockchain sectors are poised for a transformative leap forward with the announcement of the Phoenix AI Ecosystem Fund, a collaborative venture between JDI Group and Tensor. 

With a robust investment of $20 million, this strategic fund aims to catalyze the expansion of the Phoenix AI application ecosystem and fortify the development of AI compute infrastructure hardware, setting a new benchmark for innovation and growth in the decentralized AI space.

A new era for decentralized AI infrastructure

Phoenix emerges as a beacon of innovation in decentralized AI infrastructure, offering a suite of applications that cater to a broad spectrum of use cases. From the intricacies of generative AI and the depth of large language models (LLM) to the precision of machine vision and the analytics of AI quant trading, Phoenix’s AI elastic compute platform, SkyNet, is a testament to the platform’s versatility and capability. This rich array of applications has not only captivated a wide audience but also attracted a diverse cohort of ecosystem partners. Web 3 projects, exchanges, and DEXs are increasingly integrating Phoenix’s AI solutions, leveraging the platform’s advanced capabilities to unlock new dimensions of value for their users.

The commitment to fostering a vibrant ecosystem is evident in Phoenix’s approach. By providing a decentralized infrastructure that supports a multitude of AI-driven applications, Phoenix is not just facilitating technological advancement but also promoting a collaborative and inclusive environment. This initiative encourages innovation across the board, enabling developers and creators to explore new frontiers in AI, blockchain, and beyond.

Phoenix fueling innovation and AI infrastructure development

The Phoenix AI Ecosystem Fund is strategically divided to serve dual purposes: nurturing innovation and bolstering infrastructure. On one front, the fund is dedicated to the incubation and support of new applications and AI ecosystem partners. This investment is aimed at propelling advancements across various sectors, including AI-enabled DeFi, trading, Web 3 gaming, the metaverse, and content creation. By providing financial backing and strategic support, the fund seeks to unlock the potential of AI in revolutionizing these verticals, fostering an environment where innovation thrives.

On the infrastructure side, the fund’s focus shifts to the development and scaling of Phoenix’s AI compute network. The introduction of PhoenixNode by JDI’s subsidiary, Bobber.com, marks a significant milestone in this endeavor. These proprietary AI compute nodes are designed to be lightweight, cost-effective, and scalable, offering a practical solution for expanding AI compute capabilities. The fund’s investment in R&D for these nodes, alongside the establishment of specialized co-location centers, underscores a commitment to building a robust infrastructure that can support the growing demands of decentralized AI applications.


The launch of the Phoenix AI Ecosystem Fund by JDI Group and Tensor is a landmark event in the realms of AI and blockchain. By channeling $20 million into the development of the Phoenix AI application ecosystem and the underlying compute infrastructure, this initiative is set to accelerate innovation and growth in decentralized AI. The fund’s dual focus on nurturing new applications and enhancing infrastructure reflects a comprehensive strategy aimed at fostering a sustainable and scalable AI ecosystem.

As Phoenix continues to evolve, its impact on AI-enabled DeFi, trading, Web 3 gaming, the metaverse, and content creation is expected to be profound, heralding a new era of technological advancement and collaboration. Through this visionary approach, JDI Group and Tensor are not just investing in technology; they are investing in the future of decentralized AI, paving the way for a world where AI’s potential is fully realized and accessible to all.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/jdi-group-and-tensor-20m-phoenix-ai-fund/