Irina Berezina at Avalanche House

“Education is what’s needed in the Crypto Industry” – Irina Berezina

Irina Berezina, Operations Lead of UpLift DAO, attended Avalanche House | FE Berlin last week and shared with us her impressions and insights from the event.

What was the Avalanche event?

This educational event focused on accelerating our overall progress toward an inclusive  Web3-enabled future. 

It also promotes and supports women in blockchain by showcasing presentations and panels, as well as hands-on technical workshops for developing new skills and introductions to advanced development topics.

Did you discover any new and exciting business concepts?

I met and spoke with several projects, and one in particular – the Encode Club – I absolutely love the educational work they do. They are delivering complex blockchain material to the masses. They also have an amazing business concept where they have partnered up with all the major blockchains and help open doors to them for career opportunities and funding in the crypto space. You can tell that their team is working super hard to make Web3 available to as many people as possible. 

Did any particular presentation stand out?

Marcus Maute from BridgeTower Capital gave a very well-explained presentation about the blockchain industry structure. I would love to get a copy of it!

What was the most interesting part of the day?

Definitely the “State of Avalanche” panel with Jay Kurahashi-Sofue and John Nahas, from Ava Labs. John really pushes for user education and noted that they are seeing an actual increase in the number of users and projects coming into the space. 

Sounds like a great day! Will you be at the next Avalanche event?

I hope so! I’m looking forward to seeing more great progress from the Avalanche team and their platform. 
