Innovation Fuels Nuclear Energy’s Revival, But Challenges Remain

The US state of Georgia took a bold step to address climate and energy problems by building the first new nuclear power plant from scratch in the US in decades. Ironic, given that Georgia native President Jimmy Carter effectively scrapped the U.S. civilian nuclear energy industry after his tone-deaf response to the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster and broadly ineffective energy policy.

Georgia’s nuclear renaissance comes with a hefty price tag: The result was a project 7 years late and 17 billion dollars over budget because of obstacles to offsite prefabrication and bureaucratic delays. Even though conventional nuclear power technology remains one of the safest forms of energy and is a low-carbon energy solution to combat climate change, bureaucratic paralysis, policymakers’ myopia, and public stigmas have hampered it worldwide. Former paragons of nuclear power, such as Germany, have phased it out and relapsed into heavily polluting fossil fuels such as coal and brown coal (lignite) instead. However, with innovation and a heightened awareness of climate change threats and costs, a new generation of nuclear technology may help reverse this trend.

Thankfully geopolitical and geoeconomic incentives align with emerging tech. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has increased the need to accelerate the clean energy transition and diversify sources of energy, including nuclear. Massive geopolitical and geoeconomic imperatives stemming from China’s nuclear power expansion which would create yet another state-supported juggernaut, Russia’s Rosatom domination of civilian nuclear enrichment, increasing uranium production, and the Western Nuclear Fuel Alliance have all increased nuclear power’s political support.

While political, economic, and environmental factors all play crucial roles in revitalizing nuclear energy, the technological component is vital for its revival. Technological innovations and advanced reactor designs that ensure enhanced safety, efficiency, and versatility are central to nuclear energy’s future. Breakthrough technologies, including advanced fuel cycles, thorium-based reactors, and small- and medium-modular reactors (SMRs), are gaining momentum and investment due to their cost-effectiveness, reduced waste generation, and flexible deployment. In the next ten years, it is very likely that nuclear power plants could become prefabricated or transported wholesale like any other industrial machinery.

The promising technology behind this revival is already online. NuScale Power is developing 70 MW light water and advanced non-water modular reactors. These SMRs will have scalability and can fill most electric-generating niches. DOW Inc is set to build four next-generation reactors by 2029. It has finalized plans to develop the first grid-scale next-generation nuclear reactor for an industrial site with private company X-Energy.

The Idaho National Laboratory is developing a 15 MW micro-reactor suited for small-scale applications, capable of being deployed anywhere in the world with no nuclear proliferation risk. While costs remain unclear, there are significant efforts to make the project economically viable. Should they succeed, miniature nuclear reactors could replace almost every small power station in the world with no toxic waste.

American energy giant Westinghouse too has investigated scaling down nuclear power. It announced the launch of a miniature version of its flagship AP1000 nuclear reactor, the AP300, which will generate a third of the power of the AP1000 (AP1000’s nominal net electrical output is 1,110 Mwe) and will be available by the end of the decade at a cost of $1 billion for each plant.

There are significant efforts by industry giants and startups alike to rebrand and re-conceptualize nuclear power to adapt to market demand, particularly in addressing climate change and environmental concerns.

It is no coincidence that most of the next generation of nuclear reactors endeavor towards smaller outputs despite efficiency gains inherent in large-scale production. Smaller-size reactors increase ROI by lowering startup costs, lowering the technological barriers to operation and maintenance, and making integration into existing electricity grids easier as lower levels of production do not require new transmission lines, all while decreasing public aversion.

Smaller reactors also help deal with the gravest obstacle most nuclear power projects face: permitting and licensing. By lowering the scale of production, thus slotting reactors into different regulatory categories, SMRs can be regulated more easily in line with most other power plants. This results in more predictable and less NIMBY-biased environmental review procedures that often kill nuclear power projects.

Despite the outstanding promise of SMRs, technology alone is no panacea, as Western governments are perfectly capable of ruining this opportunity to go green and solve their energy problems with NIMBYism and the lack of imagination. If there is not a concerted effort to fight back against NIMBYism, curtail the bad-faith abuse of environmental review procedures, and streamline construction permitting, the same bureaucratic myopia which has effectively strangled contemporary nuclear power initiatives may kill future ones as well. Much needs to be done in the U.S., Western Europe, and the rest of OECD and the world to rally the public sector to this challenge.

Western governments must also partner with foreign stakeholders to ensure stable supplies of nuclear fuel and an international regulatory framework that modernizes existing international law to account for SMRs. Partners in the developing world, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa and Central Asia, need to be rallied to the cause to expand the reach of these technologies and incorporate nuclear power in the energy mix of emerging economies.

While Western governments are implementing supportive policies and investing substantially to diversify their energy sources, regulatory support and reform are required. The technology for a nuclear energy revival is here, but the greatest danger remains that public misunderstandings and bureaucratic inefficiencies result in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
