Immutable Reveals zkEVM Network’s $50M Gaming Reward Program.

Immutable, a leading Web3 gaming platform on Ethereum, has revealed “The Main Quest,” a $50 million rewards program. It seeks to uplift players and accelerate the uptake of Immutable’s recently launched zkEVM network. 

With Polygon’s zkEVM technology, this network promises state-of-the-art gaming experiences.

The Immutable zkEVM

The immutable zkEVM (Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine) is an inventive network that is the first of its type. Combining the strength and security of the Ethereum ecosystem with the advantages of zk-rollup technology, it provides a specialized gaming environment.

In contrast to general-purpose blockchain networks, the immutable zkEVM is painstakingly crafted to meet the particular requirements of the gaming sector. 

By optimizing for size, speed, and native user experiences, immutable seeks to eliminate the friction and expensive transaction costs that frequently impede smooth gaming experiences on conventional networks.

Beyond developer tools, however, the Immutable zkEVM is all about enabling gaming companies to flourish through vast liquidity, user communities, and the utilization of potent network effects. 

This all-encompassing approach ensures that game producers have access to all the tools and resources required to produce engaging, immersive, and profitable Web3 gaming experiences.

“The Main Quest”

“The Main Quest” is an advanced rewards program created by Immutable and the Digital Worlds Foundation. It has the potential to award players who interact with the Immutable zkEVM network with tokens valued at up to $50 million. That makes it the most significant rewards program for cryptocurrency games.

To receive these token rewards, players must participate in various activities on the network, such as playing early games or using decentralized exchanges and other apps developed with the Immutable zkEVM. Some highlighted titles are the space warfare game Space Nation Online, the action game Illuvium, the mech shooter MetalCore, the mobile role-playing game Guild of Guardians, and the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Treeverse.

Apart from actions linked to the game, players can also receive rewards by participating in the trading of Immutable non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and offering liquidity for trading pools. This all-encompassing strategy aims to support a thriving and self-sufficient ecosystem inside the Immutable zkEVM network.

Robbie Ferguson, President and co-founder of Immutable, emphasized the significance of “The Main Quest,” stating, “This is single-handedly the most significant rewards program in Web3 gaming. With The Main Quest, we show players what they can expect when discussing the real benefits of digital ownership.

Ferguson’s remarks highlight Immutable’s dedication to proving the real benefits of a decentralized gaming ecosystem and the worth of in-game assets protected by blockchain technology.

Immutable’s Expansive Gaming Ecosystem

The gaming environment on Immutable is increasing; more than 300 signed titles have already been released on the platform. Players can expect prizes that increase in line with the ecosystem’s expansion as it develops, further encouraging their involvement and participation.

Moreover, Immutable plans to integrate more games and incentives into “The Main Quest” program in the future, ensuring a constantly evolving and rewarding experience for players. 

Beyond gaming, Immutable aims to incentivize various activities within the zkEVM network, such as providing liquidity for trading pools and trading Immutable NFTs.

The Future of Web3 Gaming

The “The Main Quest” rewards scheme from Immutable is a significant advancement for Web3 gaming. It gives players a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn about the advantages of owning digital assets and receive substantial token incentives. 

Through gameplay, network interaction, and NFT trading, Immutable hopes to establish a dynamic and profitable ecosystem that highlights the possibilities of decentralized gaming. 

With more gamers and developers drawn to the program as it grows, Immutable’s standing as the top Web3 gaming platform will also be cemented.
