Illuvium Beta 3 to go live on Nov 28

Illuvium has announced its Beta 3 will go live on November 28, 2023, at 20:00 UTC. This will be a closed beta followed by an open beta. The objective is to identify bugs in the gameplay and draft ways in which the experience can be elevated. Illuvium has explicitly worked on features, improvements, and game modes. Interested Rangers can participate in Beta 3 by visiting the Epic Games Store and adding the title to their wishlist. Rangers who have previously experienced the beta version can directly participate in Illuvium Beta 3.

Modes of the gameplay that Illuvium is bringing forward are:-

  • Arena
  • Ascendant
  • Team Builder
  • Overworld

Participants can quickly report any bug they find through an in-built bug reporter.

Moving ahead, Illuvium aims to make the title more interesting, visually appealing, and engaging for gamers. Rangers will be able to own a piece of the virtual history and show it off to the world. A tentative timeline for the launch of Open Beta has not been shared. However, it is safe to assume that Open Beta will make its way into the market after Beta 3 registers successful results through feedback.

Ascendant Arena has been termed the most anticipated game mode, which will be available to all players irrespective of their category – Casual, Ranked, or Custom Matchmaking. Team Builder complements the PVP gameplay mode.

There is a playground where players can craft their strategies and create teams for quests. It will have Weapons, Suits, and Augments. Needless to say, all the interested players must have registered themselves for the gameplay. The process to sign up or register for Illuvium can be found in the Illuvium guide, which also talks about all the important elements of the game. Most importantly, it enables players to sneak inside the set of hints, which can come in handy to win the game.

Another important part of the announcement is the Illuvials themselves. Beta 3 brings out the best of them in two different lines plus improved touches to the existing ones. The Water Buffalo line is a trio available from the first stage. Sloth Line also becomes accessible at the same time as Cling, Twine, and Gnarl.

Finishing touches mostly pertain to the Squid line, which consists of Octius and Ophisto. The announcement has pumped up the price of ILV as the token is up by 2.56%, touching the value of $119.32 at the time of drafting this article. This further reflects a rise of 17.09% in the last 1 week and an increase of 138.78% in the last month.

Beta 3 is yet to go live but the effects are already evident. It goes on to establish that the Open Beta could potentially set a new benchmark in the industry.
