iCandy and Animoca Brands Launch ‘Snaky Cat’ on Coinbase Base

Renowned game creator iCandy Interactive is reinventing the iconic “snake” video game genre for the Web3 era via an exciting new collaboration. The Australia-based studio has launched Snaky Cat, a multiplayer online game featuring play-to-earn mechanics, on Base – a layer 2 blockchain platform incubated by Coinbase.

Bringing a household name like iCandy into the crypto gaming space signals the accelerating mainstream traction of blockchain-based competitive titles. The involvement of metaverse leader Animoca Brands in developing Snaky Cat’s Web3 components further bolsters its next-generation gaming credentials.

Reimagining Classic Gaming for Web3

As a quick, addictive arcade experience harkening back to all-time classics like Snake and slither.io, Snaky Cat retains the straightforward premise of guiding a perpetually moving creature to consume food and powerups while avoiding obstacles. Players compete to keep their snakelike felines alive for as long as possible to maximize prizes.

However, Snaky Cat modernizes the game pattern for today’s interactive landscape by incorporating Web3 elements using blockchain technology. Players must connect a digital wallet and purchase access tickets using TOWER – the native governance and utility token underpinning the game’s ecosystem.

Once the multiplayer competition starts, a ticking timer ratchets up the action. Players race to control their cats toward food for growth boosts and timer extensions while trying to outlast opponents. This combination of familiar Snake gameplay with crypto wallet connectivity and token rewards exemplifies the future of online competitive gaming.

Collaborating With Blockchain Leaders

Rather than tackling Web3 gaming adoption alone, iCandy wisely teamed up with industry pioneers like Coinbase and Animoca Brands, who provided specialized guidance.

Coinbase’s recently launched Base Layer 2 platform is the blockchain foundation underpinning Snaky Cat’s technical backend. The base provided vital infrastructure for enabling fast and affordable Ethereum transactions necessary to seamlessly incorporate crypto wallets and token prizes without performance lags.

Meanwhile, Animoca Brands – an early mover in blockchain gaming and metaverse projects – lent Web3 gaming expertise and tokenomic design experience. As pioneers merging crypto incentives with digital experiences, Animoca Brands helped formulate Snaky Cat’s play-to-earn format and in-game token rewards.

This fusion of gaming veterans, crypto infrastructure leaders, and Web3 innovators demonstrates the collaboration needed to propel blockchain gaming to its destined mainstream prominence.

Token Rewards Support Ecosystem Growth

Rather than utilizing an isolated token just for Snaky Cat, iCandy integrates the game with its existing TOWER ecosystem. TOWER provides utility and governance for several titles under the TOWER brand and the new Snaky Cat addition.

With existing traction from earlier games like Crazy Kings and Crazy Defense Heroes, TOWER benefits from surging new interest and token demand stemming from Snaky Cat. This strengthens TOWER’s status for stakeholders via greater liquidity, usage, and governance participation.

As blockchain gaming progresses, collaborative ecosystems and shared token economies hold advantages over siloed approaches. Snaky Cat’s leveraging of the TOWER environment reaffirms ecosystem-based token design as the best practice.


The seamless incorporation of Web3 features into an iconic and recognizable game pattern could galvanize significant consumer excitement and adoption for the emerging playable and profitable crypto-gaming movement.

If Snaky Cat succeeds as a case study for reinventing casual games with blockchain connectivity and token rewards, calls for established developers to embrace Web3 mechanics will intensify.

Between the blockchain contributions of Coinbase and Animoca Brands alongside the game development prowess of iCandy, Snaky Cat demonstrates immense potential to captivate audiences while introducing web3 gaming fundamentals to the masses.

Early reception and usage data will determine if Snaky Cat is the breakthrough gateway to merge web2 gamers into the world of metaverse economies. The creative and technical foundations that Snaky Cat has built provide the formula to thrive.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2024/01/27/icandy-and-animoca-brands-launch-snaky-cat-on-coinbase-base/