How to Join And More – Cryptopolitan

As the buzz around cryptocurrency and blockchain technology continues to grow, more and more people are looking for ways to get involved. One popular way to do this is through social DAOs or decentralized autonomous organizations. In a nutshell, social DAOs are groups of people that come together to pool their resources and decide how to use them collectively. This guide will explain what social DAOs are, provide examples of social DAOs, how they work, and how you can join one. So whether you’re a beginner investor or just curious about this new phenomenon, read on to learn more!

What is a social DAO; why are they gaining popularity?

A social DAO, also known as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, is an organization that operates through digital self-management and utilizes blockchain technology to enable it to operate independently.

By utilizing the power of the blockchain and its secure ledger capabilities, social DAOs enable anyone to be a part of making decisions that affect their community. Every member has equal voting rights regardless of economic status or geographical location regarding decision-making. This helps create a more egalitarian system within the organization and produces trust among members. This trust has led to social DAOs becoming increasingly popular in recent years for uses such as community fundraising, fee sharing between members, decentralized communications networks, and peer-to-peer payments.

The ease of access and increased security that blockchain technology provides only makes the appeal of these organizations even greater, allowing them to become integral parts of our increasingly connected world.

How do social DAOs work?

A Social DAO is an autonomous structure built on blockchain technology that allows for transparent decision-making among members. Contributors can shape the course of the organization by using voting systems that are integrated into its protocol. Within a social DAO, members are incentivized to contribute according to the collective interests of all stakeholders based on a pre-defined set of rules and regulations. It also employs a network of smart contracts, providing a secure and transparent framework for decision-making processes and resource allocation across multiple disciplines.

The goal is for social DAOs to be utilized by groups with shared interests, enabling projects and initiatives to receive decentralized funding and governance.

Examples of popular social DAOs

Social DAOs are blockchain-based entities that can act independently to achieve certain goals. They are popular among blockchain enthusiasts and have seen a surge in interest, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Examples of some well-known social DAOs include Aragon, Kleros, and MakerDAO.

Aragon enables secure decentralized governance for businesses and other organizations, while Kleros implements dispute resolution protocols on the blockchain. Meanwhile, MakerDAO is one of the earliest use cases of the stablecoin concept giving rise to something dubbed as ‘decentralized finance’, or DeFi for short.

With many more applications beyond these examples in sight, social DAOs show immense potential for innovation in our increasingly automated world.

How to join a social DAO

Joining a social DAO as a beginner can seem daunting, but there are easy steps to follow.

  • Research the particular DAO that interests you and learn about its values, purpose, and activities. Most DAOs will have an online presence and be part of wider networks such as Reddit or Discord. You might also find information on websites such as GitHub and join specific groups that can inform your decision-making.
  • Pay attention to any invitations from members to join in on events or conversations related to the group. It’s also important to pay attention to the rules and regulations that govern social DAOs. Once you understand what a DAO is about, you can decide whether or not this is something you want to be a part of.
  • Join the DAO and become a part of its community. Social DAOs have emerged as an important part of the blockchain and cryptocurrency space, allowing members to be involved in decision-making that will benefit their collective interests. They are easy to join and provide a secure environment for members to engage with each other.

What benefits to expect from joining a DAO

Being a part of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) offers many advantages to its members. All interactions between DAO members exist within the confines of smart contracts that are completed with precision, trust, and without any third-party interference. This enables users to collaborate securely and quickly for mutual benefit and progress. Each decision made by the DAO is done with the collective input of all stakeholders and creates an environment where collaboration happens openly and vigorously.

Creating plans, tracking performance, exchanging ideas – all these processes become far more streamlined and organized in a DAO setting as each action is recorded securely on its corresponding blockchain network.

Joining a DAO allows members to prosper from the monetization opportunities decentralized applications and their interdependent protocols offer. Members can receive rewards through various revenue models, such as pay-per-task or pay-per-transaction, by investing their time or money into the project.

The token economics model integrated into most blockchains provides additional incentives for DAO members to contribute towards projects regularly.

What are the risks involved in joining a social DAO?

Joining any kind of online platform comes with some risks, and social Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are no exception.

The anonymity of most DAO members can lead to manipulative behavior and malicious intent from unscreened participants. The voting systems in these platforms might be vulnerable to artificial inflation from users attempting to influence outcomes through dishonest means.

Joining a social DAO can present an opportunity for networking with experienced peers in the decentralized space. By taking into account potential vulnerabilities and implementing “know-your-peer” protocols, there is huge potential for social DAOs to foster meaningful collaboration between peers around innovative projects.

Participating in a social DAO community can be a rewarding experience, as it allows people to collaborate with others while also taking control of their own financial destiny. When joining the community, start by familiarizing yourself with the basic rules and framework of the organization. Become active by participating in discussions, learning from experienced members, and sharing your knowledge and resources. Showing up regularly will help you build relationships built on trust.

Become familiar with different aspects of the organization, such as investments, voting rights, and other educational materials that are available for users. Making the most out of a social DAO experience comes down to active participation and engagement – so take the initiative and have fun!


Social DAOs are a great way to engage with the decentralized world while building networks within communities of similar interests. By taking into account potential risks and making the most out of their experiences by actively participating in conversations, users can build meaningful relationships and contribute towards innovative projects.

With this in mind, social DAOs have enabled new ways to collaborate with peers and monetize time or investments, all within a secure framework.  Social DAOs offer an exciting opportunity for people to connect and capitalize on the potential of decentralized technologies!
