Home Affairs Takes a Casual Stance on Staff’s ChatGPT Experimentation

The Australian Department of Home Affairs has shed light on its staff’s seven-month-long experimentation with ChatGPT, categorizing it as a pursuit of “general curiosity” rather than a tool for writing production code or making significant decisions. This revelation comes following the suspension of internal access to ChatGPT in May and a subsequent questionnaire issued by the department’s IT function to assess how the tool had been utilized by its employees.

The Department of Home Affairs has offered a comprehensive and elucidative response to the inquiries and apprehensions stemming from the utilization of ChatGPT by its staff, thus illuminating the nuanced aspects of these experimental endeavors and meticulously addressing the array of questions posited by the discerning and inquisitive Greens Senator, Mr. David Shoebridge. 

The department has thoughtfully described the ongoing ChatGPT experiment as an initiative immersed in a profound sense of “general curiosity” since it has been available to departmental staff in some capacity since November of the previous year.

This undertaking was driven by the commendable objectives of delving into the intricacies of the technology, embarking upon thorough and exhaustive technical background research, adeptly resolving any inherent challenges or obstacles that might have arisen, and cultivating an enhanced sense of personal awareness among its esteemed staff members. It is paramount to emphasize that the overarching intent was not geared towards the generation of production code or the orchestration of consequential decision-making, but rather, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding within the domain of artificial intelligence.

Staff’s curiosity-driven exploration of ChatGPT

Home Affairs has stated that the experiments carried out with ChatGPT were not geared towards specific coding tasks. Instead, they primarily revolved around prompting the AI tool to observe its capabilities and limitations. The department emphasized that no concrete codes or scripts resulted from these ChatGPT queries. Addressing concerns raised by Senator David Shoebridge, Home Affairs clarified that any references to “scripts” or “code” in the questionnaire responses were merely generic and aimed at enhancing staff understanding of the technology.

According to the department, their staff primarily utilized ChatGPT for activities related to general curiosity about the technology, conducting technical background research, troubleshooting issues, and enhancing personal awareness. They emphasized that there is no substantiated evidence indicating any staff member employed ChatGPT to make formal decisions on behalf of the department. Also, there is no suggestion that classified information was accessed or incorporated during ChatGPT searches.

No formal register of prompts for ChatGPT experimentation

Senator Shoebridge had expressed criticism over the lack of a formal register to document the prompts entered into ChatGPT during the experimentation period. He argued that a questionnaire, administered retrospectively, might not adequately capture the extent and context of ChatGPT usage. But, Home Affairs defended its approach, asserting that experimental ChatGPT prompts did not meet the criteria to be classified as “records.”

The department articulated that conducting a Google or ChatGPT search is not regarded as a business record unless it exerts a direct impact or influence on decisions made by public servants. It further noted that there was no evidence to suggest that ChatGPT searches had influenced any official decisions, thereby justifying their decision not to maintain a formal register.

The Australian Department of Home Affairs has sought to clarify the nature of its staff’s experimentation with ChatGPT. While some concerns were raised regarding the absence of a formal record of ChatGPT prompts, the department maintains that the experimentation was driven by curiosity and aimed at understanding the technology rather than using it for significant decision-making or production code generation. This disclosure provides a glimpse into how government departments explore emerging technologies to enhance their understanding and capabilities without directly impacting official decisions or records.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/home-affairs-stance-chatgpt-experimentation/