Hodlonaut Won A Norwegian Lawsuit Against Craig Wright


Finally, the seven day trial on the crypto Twitter battel has come to an end. Magnus Granath is mostly popular on Twitter as Hodlonaut, who won a lawsuit over Australian computer scientist Craig Wright, who has claimed he was the creator of the most famous pseudonym of Bitcoin in 2019.

The case concerns whether the specific statements that are trending on Twitter are defamatory or offensive to privacy. This case has raised a lot of criticism on Twitter. Meanwhile, Granath wants to show that his statements towards Wright are not awful. The plaintiff, Magnus Granath, has made several statements that the defendant, Wright, is not an actual Satoshi. The real owner of the pseudonym who developed the bitcoin was Satoshi Nakamoto.

The judgment stated that “Wright himself uses coarse slang and derogatory references, and so, in the court’s view, must accept that others use similar jargon against him.”

Magnus Granath filed a case against Wright in Norway to prove that Wright is not the owner of writs that were created by Sathoshi. While Wright tried to bring Granth before a UK court where defamation laws were strictly applied. Granath approached the Norwegian government to protect the tweets from freedom of speech and also prevent the Wright from damage in relation to the tweets.

“The court points out that the evidence brought in the case is not suitable to change the prevailing opinion that Craig Wright is not actually Satoshi.”

Wright is one of the founders of the company nChain, which is based on the cryptocurrency Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV). He claimed that he was the one who invented bitcoin, and that he was the man behind the pseudonym. BSV markets itself as the original form of bitcoin.

Granath believes that BTC is the real digital currency. He stated that the other types of bitcoin, like BSV and ,are confusing the new users by thinking that they are investing in real bitcoins. Bitcoin is a type of digital currency that was developed on the principle of “don’t trust, verify,” which is the basis for transparency and verifiability in all transactions.

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2022/10/21/hodlonaut-won-a-norwegian-lawsuit-against-craig-wright/