Here Are 5 Hiring Problems

As a business leader, the success of your company relies on avoiding common hiring problems and hiring the right people.

A lot of pressure, isn’t it? That’s why the Conference Board’s Annual Survey found that hiring remains the number one concern of CEOs.

Yes, the hiring process can be challenging and costly — especially when mistakes are made. However, you can avoid those mistakes by knowing what to look for. This is where the true issue lies — because you know there are hiring problems in your process. You must first identify the problems, and then implement proven solutions.

With over 40 years of experience identifying hiring practices that bring A-players onto your team, we’re here to help with time-tested solutions to your problems.

But first, we need to pinpoint these problems.

In this blog post, we will discuss five common hiring problems you are most likely facing, so that you can take the action necessary to eliminate them.

Problem #1: Moving Forward When There Aren’t Enough Applicants

One of the most common hiring problems is rushing the hiring process, moving forward when there aren’t enough applicants.

You need a team to grow, right? So, you would think going to the job posting sites where candidates live is the best option. If you have posted a job online before, you know what happens: a flood of applications comes in and all seem great.

But we have some bad news for you: A-players are rarely found on job search websites. Applicants on job sites are seeking new jobs for a reason.

A common mistake is to move forward with the hiring process when you think you’ve found a few gems in the online software bundle. You’ve been fooled by candidates, so you get anxious, cross your fingers, hope you’ve found your potential candidate(s), and move forward.

This is a recipe for chasing your tail with the hiring process. It leads you to do Problem Number 2: hiring low performers.

Problem #2: Unknowingly Hiring Low Performers

Resumes have become nothing more than hyped social media profiles. Most candidates will exaggerate their experience and skills, and hide their weaker points, making it difficult for you to identify their true abilities.

To avoid unknowingly hiring low performers, you must convince candidates to be forthright with you. A candidate’s resume only lists what they want you to see. It’s like a used car salesperson who only tells you how great the car is — you need to review the CARFAX report to see what’s really going on.

Background checks produce limited information and calling references that are friends of candidates is a waste of your time. Finding the true intention of your candidate can be done in a much more personal manner:

By using our Truth Motivator.

Low performers will tell you what you want to hear. The Truth Motivator, however, will ensure the A Players will be forthright and honest, and low performers cannot mask themselves as A-players.

Problem #3: Conducting Shallow, Unrevealing Job Interviews

Most interviews are short, unorganized, and leave you with little information about the candidate. Topgrading interviews are different. They are thorough, in-depth, and organized.

And most importantly, the Truth Motivator ensures you are confident candidates are not “gaming” the interview.

A Topgrading interview is chronological, involving a series of questions about every full-time job – assuring the deepest insights into the candidate’s behavior, experiences, and skills. This type of interview allows you to understand the candidate’s capabilities and fit within your company culture.

When you know more about your candidate, you reveal truths that give you greater insight into how well this person will truly perform in his or her role.

Problem #4: Making Worthless Reference Calls

Reference calls are a sensitive topic, especially in today’s legal climate. While they can provide valuable insight into a candidate’s past performance and behavior, many companies discourage managers from accepting reference calls due to potential legal risks.

Candidates know this, and they rely on it. As a result, low performers can easily hide the information you need.

The Topgrading process of having candidates set up reference interviews between you and their previous bosses, however, is a strategy that works efficiently for all involved. It gets you in front of the references you want to talk with.

Once you find a quality candidate with whom you are ready to move forward, you can ask the candidate to arrange calls with managers they have reported to in the past. The information you can uncover on these calls will allow you to confidently make an offer to a candidate you firmly believe is an A-player.

Problem #5: Using Applicant Screening Tools That Don’t Work

Mistake #1 said you shouldn’t move forward with too few candidates to select. Well, the opposite is true, too.

Using applicant screening tools that don’t work can be costly and time-consuming, yet they are the first tool most turn to when in need of applicants. Yes, they are quick, passive, and easy, but they just flood your inbox with one-click-apply candidates.

The Topgrading screentooling was created as an alternative to online software tools. It provides solutions to the major hiring problems and is easy to use.

How well? These case studies will tell you all you need to know.

Avoid Common Hiring Problems

If you’ve done any hiring for your company, you are aware of these 5 common hiring problems. With each bad hire, these become more obvious. The subsequent effects are costly and time-consuming, bringing to light an even greater need for new processes.

What’s needed is a solution to each of these problems — Topgrading is that solution. It allows you to identify your current problems and then take proactive steps to avoid all of them.

The result? A-players making their way into your organization.

This article just brushes the surface of what can, and should, change in your hiring process. To start bringing those A-Players into your company, contact us.
