FYEO conducts an audit on the 1INTRO Solana program

In order to maximize the potential in matters related to its features and functions, 1INTRO gets an audit done pertaining to its 1INTRO Solana program by FYEO.

1INTRO, on the other hand, is an all-inclusive liquidity structure that offers Solana effectiveness, fairplay, and security via AI. The protocol’s AI-boosted liquidity engine maximizes every facet of decentralized trading and liquidity bootstrapping pools (LBPs) for honest and clarity-oriented token releases.

1INTRO allows projects to bootstrap liquidity and connect with AI-boosted automation to control and expand token ecosystems. Traders come in for safe trading exposure with the help of absolute new-age functions.

The audit was conducted on the 1INTRO Solana program. It was witnessed that the program exhibited proper usage of the Anchor infrastructure, efficiently utilizing every security factor. This helps in bringing about a strong and dependable program.

While FYEO carries out its study, it concentrates on the code spoken of at a particular time once the code base is finished. The idea is to provide the clients with more knowledge regarding its safety positioning and assist them in identifying present and future threats regarding its positioned chain and contract framework.

Along with that is a viewpoint on the available safety aspects related to the requirement and effectiveness. This is followed by recognizing prospective factors, such as loss of funds issues and suggestions regarding enhancements to be carried out as per the study results.

Lastly, the builder team will be provided with ways to comprehend writing better and maintain added safety code. Promoting safety factors is correlated with improving the project level.

Four findings with a medium seriousness rating, four with a low seriousness rating, and one with an informative seriousness rating were discovered during the safety study.

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/fyeo-conducts-an-audit-on-the-1intro-solana-program/