Forward Protocol Launches Token Sale on Bullstarter Launchpad After Selling out in Seconds on Chaingpt Pad!

The Forward project is over the moon to announce our upcoming token sale event on Bullstarter, the launchpad platform of BullPerks. This announcement comes at a critical point in our mission token as we ramp up to the eagerly anticipated launch of the $FORWARD token. 

$FORWARD is the token that serves as the interoperable utility token within the Forward community. The token has an integral role in the Forward ecosystem, providing a secure payment and settlement mode, serving as a method to participate, and as a reward for participating within the Forward Marketplace. 

This token sale event closely follows and builds upon the overwhelming success of our token sale on ChainGPT Launchpad, where over 7500 participants scooped up the entire 20,833,333 $FORWARD allocation, raising $250,000 on the IDO platform. 

$FORWARD Token Sale on BullStarter

The groundbreaking $FORWARD token is backed by an impressive consortium of over 200 partners, leading venture capitalists, and world-class advisors. This token sale is the product of the collective conviction and support from 23 pre-seed investors, 20+ seed round VCs, and 95+ seed round investors, including reputable names in the industry like, CVVC, ZBS Capital (CryptoDiffer), Magnus Capital, and Crypto Banter to name a few. 

BullStarter is the launchpad platform of BullPerks, a leading decentralized venture capital and multichain launchpad, bringing together like-minded individuals looking to invest in the best crypto projects. 

As we open the gates to our exclusive limited sale round on the BullStarter launchpad, you have the chance to be part of a project that’s set to redefine the future of Web3. Don’t miss your opportunity to join the ranks of early investors and be a pioneer in this exciting journey. Seize the moment, secure your spot, and be part of the future of blockchain innovation!

Here is everything you need to know about the $FORWARD token sale on BullStarter. 

Sales Link: $FORWARD IDO on BullStarter

Ticker: $FORWARD

Token Price: $0.012

IDO Date: January 31, 2024 (5:25 AM) to February 2, 2024 (8:00 AM)

Allocation: $150,000/12,500,000 $FORWARD

Network: BNB Chain

Vesting: 15% TGE, 3 Months Cliff, 3 Months Linear Release (6 Months total vesting)

Whitelist Campaign

There are currently 20 whitelist spots on offer for the Forward IDO on BullStarter. To earn a chance to claim one of these limited spots, you simply have to 

  1. Complete the tasks in the Register on BullStarter and complete KYC to get your prize.
  2. Complete ALL the tasks here to have a chance to be whitelisted and receive a guaranteed Copper-Tier allocation.  

Contest deadline: January 31, 2024 at 9 AM UTC.

We have more big updates in the pipeline. You can follow our social media channels to get first-hand information about upcoming sales, token generation events, and the latest forward moves from our project. 

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About ForwardThe AI-driven, no-code solution for building and deploying dApps, blockchains, and subnets with ease. Inspired by WordPress’s simplicity, Forward allows seamless deployment on over 800  chains—no technical skills required. Start your blockchain journey at
