Forbes merges with The Sandbox to enter metaverse

Forbes has taken the step of forming a mutually beneficial partnership with The Sandbox. This occurrence has taken place with the aim and intention on the part of Forbes to be able to enter the virtual world. Right from the deep-down interests of Malcolm Forbes himself and what makes him tick, right down to the past story of Forbes, all of it will be made available for the open knowledge and benefit of the connected players. Additionally, there will be special wearables available along with other special gifts.

Furthermore, this has also been done to introduce an interactive multiplayer experience and exposure for all its users. As a primary factor, this coming together of the two entities will provide the opportunity for all prospective players to get a first-hand feel of the Forbes party environment, especially within the confines of the virtual world. Meeting NPCs has been made easier at the special event.

 Anyone who wants to join the event and participate in the game can join Forbes Lifestyle from December 14th at 3 PM UTC till December 28th.

Furthermore, people who complete all the different quests in the Forbes experience can enter the 50,000 SAND prize pool. Consequently, this will be distributed among all the players later.

To suitably make favorable additions to the overall exposure and engagements of the intended players, facilities and options will be made available in terms of the players coming to know much more about what exactly the entity Forbes entails. Additionally, The Sandbox has a special giveaway of a special NFT for those members who will be able to commemorate their special memories and experiences of the time spent in the Forbes Hub.

Along with all this, the players will also be in the position of understanding the new version of Forbes, just the way it wants to be portrayed, and a horde of other rather intimate aspects related to the entity. The highlighting feature out of all of this, however, will be the fact that the players will find themselves in a situation where they can make purchases of unique and of its kind Forbes wearables. However, this, in turn, will provide them with the opportunity of collecting and exhibiting the accessories that come out of the experience at The Sandbox.
