Fed’s $100 billion loss – You won’t believe what’s behind it

Recent data paints a startling picture for the Federal Reserve as its losses have alarmingly surged past the $100 billion mark. For a financial institution of its caliber, such a figure sends shockwaves across economic landscapes. The real kicker? Predictions suggest the worst is yet to come.

The Road Ahead Looks Even Rougher

Experts are chiming in with rather grim projections. Analyst William English, previously part of the central bank’s inner circle and now sharing his wisdom at Yale University, pegs the potential peak loss at an astounding $200 billion by 2025.

On the other hand, forecast guru Derek Tang from LH Meyer throws in his own estimate, placing the expected loss anywhere between $150 billion and $200 billion, possibly as soon as next year.

These staggering losses have been accumulating, finding their place under the umbrella of a deferred asset. In layman terms, it’s the Fed’s IOU note – a promise to cover these losses in the future.

It’s a rare occurrence for the Fed to be in such a precarious financial state, though they’ve been quick to reassure the masses that this hiccup won’t deter them from their primary mission of conducting monetary policy.

The Domino Effect: From Interest Rates to Liquid Assets

It’s easy to point fingers at the Fed’s assertive tactic of boosting interest rates. A jump from almost zero in March 2022 to a current stand between 5.25%-5.50% makes it evident. This aggressive stance was perhaps understandable given the pressure to curtail inflation.

With the easing of inflationary concerns, many anticipate the end of these hikes. But here’s the catch – the mounting losses aren’t anticipated to cease anytime soon.

While increasing interest rates was one part of the strategy, the Fed’s broader game plan also involved a systematic reduction of its balance sheet. During the unrelenting wave of the pandemic, the Fed had been on a bond-buying spree.

Fast forward to today, and they’ve offloaded a whopping $1 trillion in Treasury and mortgage bonds in just a year. What’s on the horizon? Further reduction.

These cutbacks in bond holdings translate to less interest expenditure for the Fed, as it methodically drains financial liquidity. The funds targeted for this liquidity purge primarily lie in bank reserves and the central bank’s reverse repo facility.

As this financial liquidity is tapered, the Fed’s expense to maintain the remaining funds, even at its existing policy rate, is projected to drop.

Although the path ahead is murky with countless variables, one thing is clear: the financial turmoil isn’t fading anytime soon. With bank reserves plummeting by about $1 trillion from their zenith at 2021’s closure, standing currently at $3.3 trillion, and reverse repo levels sinking, the dynamics of money movement are altering at a breakneck pace.

Historically, the Fed’s practice has been to channel a hefty sum back to the Treasury, aiding in slashing government deficits. But with the present losses, this has been upended.

James Bullard, a name synonymous with the St. Louis Fed, candidly expressed his concerns, hinting at the possibility of the Fed holding onto some of the $1 trillion it has previously handed over to the Treasury as a buffer against its current losses. But, as he rightly pointed out, such a safety net isn’t in the blueprint Congress has laid out.

Concluding on a speculative note, one can’t help but wonder when the Fed will see the end of this fiscal drain. Even when the dust settles, the road to recovery will be a marathon, not a sprint.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/feds-100-billion-loss-whats-behind-it/