FDIC employees to testify before the Senate

A damning report revealing a pervasive culture of sexual harassment, misogyny, and inappropriate behavior at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) has raised concerns and sparked reactions within the crypto industry. Published by the Wall Street Journal, the report detailed instances of female FDIC employees facing propositions for sex, workplace harassment, pressure to engage in activities like drinking and visiting strip clubs, and gender-linked negative performance evaluations.

FDIC workplace misconduct scandal leaked

Crypto leaders weighed in on the revelations, with some acknowledging the existence of similar issues in the finance sector and others speculating on potential political motivations behind the timing of the report. Caitlin Long, CEO of crypto-friendly bank Custodia, took to Twitter to express frustration, asserting that the banking sector remains a “boys club.” Long cited her experience at a US banking conference where a comedian’s behavior was reportedly so inappropriate that women left in large numbers, emphasizing that such issues extend beyond what is observed in the crypto industry.

Long has been critical of federal banking institutions, including the Federal Reserve, which has refused to accredit Custodia Bank, preventing it from performing traditional bank functions. She is currently involved in a lawsuit alleging that the Federal Reserve is unlawfully attempting to hinder Custodia’s operations, potentially due to its crypto-friendly stance. Several crypto executives and analysts seized the opportunity to question the assumed legitimacy and trustworthiness of the traditional banking system in comparison to the digital assets industry.

They pointed out the FDIC scandal as evidence of misconduct within the top banking regulator, raising doubts about its ability to lecture on the safety and soundness of banking operations. Sam Callahan, a blockchain analyst, highlighted the apparent misconduct within the nation’s top banking regulator and questioned their role in addressing banking crises. Crypto VC and analyst Nic Carter echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the regulatory lectures given by such entities despite their internal challenges.

Crypto executives question motives behind scandal leak

Some crypto leaders went further, openly questioning the timing of the Wall Street Journal article and speculating whether it might serve the interests of traditional banking entities. The report hinted at a connection between high employee turnover at the FDIC and its allegedly toxic workplace, which, in turn, affected the regulator’s ability to foresee the failure of several major regional banks, including crypto-friendly Silicon Valley Bank. BitMEX co-founder Arthur Hayes raised suspicions about the narrative presented in the article.

He wondered if it aimed to shift blame for the failure of regional banks from deliberate monetary policy choices to the actions of a singular regulator. FDIC leaders are scheduled to testify before the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, a session expected to cover crypto and de-banking, according to Ron Hammond, Director of Government Relations at the Blockchain Association. The revelations about the FDIC’s workplace culture are likely to color the upcoming hearing.

Some in the crypto industry are still expressing skepticism about the timing and potential motivations behind the leak. As the FDIC faces scrutiny for its internal issues, the broader discussion within the crypto community revolves around the perceived hypocrisy and challenges within traditional banking institutions. The revelations may prompt a reevaluation of the industry’s trust in these entities and their ability to regulate emerging sectors like cryptocurrency.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/fdic-employees-to-testify-before-the-senate/