Ensuring Stability and Reliability as a Store of Value with AIGOLD

Inflation and currency devaluation are the top threats to the purchasing power and wealth of investors across the globe. Inflation is the overall increase in the prices of products and services through the years while wages remain stagnant. Currency devaluation is the deliberate downward adjustment of a country’s currency value. The government issuing the currency can decide to devalue its currency.

To guard themselves from inflation and currency devaluation, buyers want a reliable store of value Like gold. One of the popular and traditional stores of value is gold. It has been used as a medium of exchange and a unit of account for hundreds of years. Gold has numerous properties that make it a tried and true store of value.

However, making an investment in real gold can also have a few drawbacks, including the high cost of storage and transaction fees, protection dangers, and constrained liquidity. That is why many investors are searching out alternative methods to gain access to gold. It includes virtual gold tokens, which can be blockchain-primarily based representations of physical gold.

One of the most modern and promising digital gold tokens in the marketplace is AIGOLD. In this article, we will tell you about how AIGOLD works, what are its capabilities and benefits, and why it is a stable and dependable store of value in times of inflation:

What is AIGOLD?

AIGOLD is a crypto token that is sponsored via physical gold and powered by artificial intelligence. According to the project Gold Paper, the aim is to combine artificial intelligence and cryptography right into a system that’s going to raise the enterprise’s Gold Recovery Project inside the Bering Sea location to new heights. The goal is to apply an AI-included Exploration Recovery Vessel (ERV), full of state-of-the-art equipment to find and, subsequently, extract gold from the region.

AIGOLD will be releasing Mining Permit NFTS that give holders of one a unique opportunity to share in the profits of their Gold recovery operations. The CEO of AIGOLD says “Our Utility is off the Charts, no other token has ever offered anything like this before!”

In essence, the AIG token will play an essential function in the atmosphere of the company’s gold recovery mining operation. The intention is to leverage blockchain and AI to force a boom as the mining operation progresses.

How does AIGOLD work?

AIGOLD works with the help of the smart contract on the blockchain to link the AIG token to the real gold extracted with the aid of the ERV. The smart contract additionally implements a progressive reward system that will pay the token holders in PAXG, a virtual stablecoin sponsored with the aid of physical gold. PAXG is a regulated token that is issued by using Paxos. Each PAXG token is backed by means of one best troy ounce of gold and safeguarded in LBMA vaults in London.

Once the AIGOLD token is launched, PAXG will become an automatic buy/sell tax reward. PAXG payout is set into the AIGOLD contract, including a 6% purchase tax: 5% is distributed among AIG holders, and 1% goes towards marketing. Then, there is a 9% sales tax: 5% goes to AIG holders, 2% goes towards marketing, and 2% goes towards the liquidity pool. You can overview this data in addition to the AIG Gold Paper on their website at aigold.io. 

Why is AIGOLD a stable and reliable store of value?

AIGOLD is a stable and reliable store of value for numerous investors. Some of the primary reasons are:

Backed with the aid of physical gold

AIGOLD is subsidised via physical gold extracted by means of the ERV. The physical gold is saved in steady and insured vaults. This real gold backing offers It a strong and intrinsic value that is not affected by the fluctuations of the crypto market or the fiat currencies.

Rewarded with PAXG 

AIGOLD investors are  rewarded with  PAXG, a digital stablecoin tied to the price of spot gold redeemable in  physical gold.

Supported by AI and blockchain

 AIGOLD uses artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies to not only find gold but reward their investors.This trail blazing crypto has a great tax reward system that the founder believes will benefit investors while the price of gold soars.

How to purchase AIGOLD?

AIGOLD is currently in its stealth presale stage, which means that you can purchase the token at a discounted fee and without Zero Buy tax. The presale consists of a seed round and 12 stages. The more #AIG Tokens you purchase at the early stages the better the price you get. Once the presale is over, AIGOLD intends to be listed on tier 1 and 2 crypto exchanges and has plans to launch on Uniswap. 

You also can take part in their Cybertruck giveaway competition, which offers a grand prize of a Tesla Cybertruck, as well as 20 other prizes. The AIGOLD project is minting 4000 NFTs that will be sold as virtual mining permits, allowing Holders of the Permit to share in the profits of the Mining operation annually. 


GOLD is a strong and reliable store of value and AIGOLD is making purchasing gold an easy endeavour. By investing in AIGOLD, you’ll be capable of getting access to real physical grade gold, earning rewards in PAXG, Holding NFT mining permits that allows a share in the profits of the gold recovery operation, and being part of a Project that is dialed into the future of Artificial Intelligence.

AIGOLD is a golden possibility for investors who want  to diversify their portfolio, hedge other investments, and enjoy the advantages of trading  digital gold tokens. If you’re interested in AIGOLD, you can go to their site at aigold.io and be a part of their Gold Movement! 

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Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2024/02/19/ensuring-stability-and-reliability-as-a-store-of-value-with-aigold/