‘Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness’ Suffers A Massive Cameo Leak

Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness is out in a week, and as such, things are starting to spring leaks. The movie itself has given up trying to hide a few of its cameos. We are very sure it’s giving us Patrick Stewart’s Professor X and Hayley Atwell’s Captain Carter, as seen in actual, official trailers.

But now? Now things are going a level past that, and a major cameo from the film appears to have leaked.

You have been warned. Spoilers follow.

I will not post the clip here because Disney is almost certainly going to take a flamethrower to it in short order, but you can find it on Twitter or Instagram really anywhere at this point. It’s a short clip that I don’t believe has any audio that shows Wanda facing off against members of the Illuminati.

In the clip are Atwell’s Captain Carter, Black Bolt, some Captain America variant I can’t place (I don’t think it’s Sam) and the main attraction, actor John Krasinksi as Reed Richards, leader of the Fantastic Four.

Naturally, everyone is freaking out about this, and it’s the closet thing we’ve seen to a fan cast come to life in the MCU in a long while. Fans have been pulling for Krasinski as Richards for a long while now, and possibly his real-life wife and Quiet Place co-star Emily Blunt as Sue Storm.

Is it possible this is fake? It’s not impossible. This is an age of deep fakes after all, but I would be surprised if this was indeed a fake, given the other characters seen here as well and what it would take to make a clip like this. I suppose we can tell by how fast Disney blasts the video off the internet. Or not.

A few questions about this clip:

  • Is John Krasinski just a “variant” of Reed Richards, or will he be the actual Reed Richards starring in the announced MCU Fantastic Four movie?
  • Could Krasinski potentially star and direct in that movie? Fantastic Four just lost its old director, Jon Watts.
  • There’s no way that Black Bolt is the same Black Bolt from the all-time terrible Inhumans ABC series, right? I would have to imagine they wouldn’t bring Anson Mount back for that, as that was the low point of anything that has ever technically been in the MCU.
  • Again, I still cannot place that other Captain America-looking figure over there. I think it could be Sam in a slightly modified version of his Falcon and the Winter Soldier costume. His has more white on top. I’m also not even sure the actor is black, given how blurry he is in this clip.

But yeah, this was spoiled for me so I figured I’d write this up as a warning in case you were looking to go in clean. But if you made it down here, chances are you don’t care. I mean, whatever, it’s still cool, and I do hope if this is true, Krasinski gets his own movie.

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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/05/01/warning-doctor-strange-and-the-multiverse-of-madness-suffers-a-massive-cameo-leak/