Coorest Becomes the First Certified Carbon Standard Web3 Initiative

Coorest, being a Polygon-oriented recompense project, has deservedly earned the distinction of being the first Web3 initiative to receive the stamp of being formally awarded a substantiated carbon standard. A UN auditor official has duly issued this certification.

This undoubtedly is a landmark award concerning a CO2 recompense project that now will be instrumental in raising the present standards set for ledger technology to come to a position where it will be capable of doing away with every kind of unjust and non-transparent carbon offset implementations and executions, which at present is most rampant, creating an extremely negative atmosphere. 

On Polygon’s environmentally friendly network, Coorest is constructing a decentralized environment for carbon emission compensation. The NFTrees project by Coorest produces $CCO2 tokens that may be traded or used as carbon offsets by connecting them to actual trees in the real world.

In the current situation, this act of Coorest will serve as the first step in completely rearranging and reconceiving how people involved, along with the respective and involved organizations, view the process of accountability in terms of the carbon footprint they are creating. It will also assist in the valuable contributions that are to be generously made to attain an all-around better world, leading to a better life.

To effectively and successfully achieve all of this, Coorest has dutifully and conscientiously begun the process of the creation of a decentralized ecosystem with a view to recompense carbon emissions that are in the fold of Polygon’s climate-associated network.
