CoinMarketCap finally responds to Wormhole addresses issue

  • Late last week, a controversy arose between Shiba Inu and CoinMarketCap regarding three addresses other than Ethereum mentioned on the CMC website.
  • The Shib Community even got into an online quarrel with the website.
  • Shiba Inu has informed that CMC reached out to them and has issued their response on the official Twitter account.

The little ruckus created between the meme coin’s team and one of the most visited crypto-related websites finally seems to settle down. The matter attracted a bit of heat when the Shib community got into a little online quarrel with CoinMarketCap. 

What exactly happened?

Recently, Shiba Inu and CoinMarketCap indulged in a controversy when the latter listed three fake SHIB addresses on its website.

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Every crypto enthusiast knows that Shiba Inu solely operates on the Ethereum Blockchain. But the website listed BEP20, Solana and Terra addresses too. Shiba Inu strictly alerted its users about the addresses being fake. And any interactions with them might result in a loss of funds. 

But CoinMarketCap defied the claims. On the contrary, the website stated that the addresses are not malicious. They are wormhole addresses listed to facilitate cross-chai transactions. And it invited the Shiba Team to reach out through their official channels with a link to their support page. 


Stand of the parties involved:

But now, Shiba Inu has informed through its Twitter account that CoinMarketCap has finally conversed with their team regarding the matter. The website’s team reached out to the meme coin’s team in order to solve the issues related to the wormhole addresses.

Shiba Inu Tweeted about their response. And highlight that they are happy to announce that CoinMarketCap reached out to their developer team and are in current discussions regarding this matter. They are relating to the recent incident about the wormhole contracts to verify that they aren’t from malicious sources. And that they are responding to several communication channels to ensure that everyone is informed positively.

CoinMarketCap retweeted this on their official account. 

Shiba Inu also mentioned in their response that their ecosystem’s Token is ERC-20. And that they always support utilizing it as the primary source while interacting with the token’s originating contracts. However, the addresses are still mentioned on the meme coin’s page on the CoinMarketCap website at the time of writing.

Hence, both of the teams are now working together and discussing the verification of these wormhole addresses.

These kinds of controversies do attract a lot of heat, especially from the firm supporters. It is to look forward to what the teams of Shiba Inu and CoinMarketCap conclude.  
