Claims might remain to be ‘Claims’ of founding Satoshi Nakamoto

A single line seen to be modified on Linux Kernel, stating ‘Name = I am Satoshi’

  • Earlier the day, statements started floating out claiming Linus Torvalds to be the founder of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto
  • Now the claims seem to be just a fallacy due to various reasons
  • It started being clear that the Linux creator might not post the message

Since the world’s first cryptocurrency launch, it’s been as big a curiosity as Bitcoin. Who is the founder of cryptocurrency, or who’s Satoshi Nakamoto? Various people have made many claims, and conspiracy theories have flooded since then, but no claim has been proved, yet neither any person nor the group of people has proven to be Bitcoin founders.

Rumors are now considering Linus Torvalds to be ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’

A new claim has been added to the so-called Bitcoin founder’s list when on Linux source code it reflected written from an account stating ‘I am Satoshi’, referred to Bitcoin Founder Satoshi Nakamoto. The Linux account from which the code has been written and broadcasted claimed to belong to Linus Torvalds, founder of the Linux operating system. In the beginning, it seemed to be accurate, but now it turns out to be a false allegation because of doubt that Linus may or may not have stated that himself. 

Basis of recent claims

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Initially, rumors about Linus Torvalds himself coded the statement cryptically claiming him as the bitcoin inventor, but later on, they did not seem to have the strong backing of facts. That ‘I am Saotshi’ statement was shown on a copy of Linux Kernel’s makefile under the name field consisting of Linus’ Name. Anyone could have thought by seeing the statement that it’s actually from the Linux founder, but more of him might have phrased it as a joke.

Doubts are also there if it’s Linus or not because due to GitHub’s design, it’s easy for other users to fork a repository and make changes and statements. They will appear as belonging to the original owner of the repository or account. This suspect is an earlier incident of forking and then the statement of claiming himself as Linus Torvalds and promoting Windows XP use instead of Linux. 

Linus can’t be a Bitcoin Creator

The claim was initially considered valid by some because Linus has always been pro-crypto, and his Github’s work looks pretty close to what Blockchain’s working. But being a supporter of crypto and similarities between his tech and crypto does not mean he is the creator of BTC.

Torvalds has been seen as a suspect of Bitcoin creator and interrogated on several occasions, too, for this regard. But it has never been firmly said that he is Satoshi Nakamoto. He isn’t found to make statements in support of crypto publicly ever. More importantly, he did not officially announce anything like this since then, so the claim made is being considered a false statement.
