China’s trade struggles back on world’s radar – Cryptopolitan


  • China’s trade relations with global partners are under renewed scrutiny.
  • Restrictions on top banker Charles Wang Zhonghe have raised concerns within the international business community.
  • EU’s trade chief, Valdis Dombrovskis, visited Beijing to address the unbalanced €396bn bilateral trade deficit.

China’s ongoing trade complexities with global partners have once again caught international attention. With bold moves affecting top bankers and stern warnings from EU leaders, the world’s second-largest economy finds itself at a crossroads.

As Western companies scramble to navigate these turbulent waters, China’s role in global trade has never been under more scrutiny.

Business Leaders under China’s Lens

Starting with an audacious decision to restrict the movement of Charles Wang Zhonghe, chair of investment banking for China at the Hong Kong branch of Nomura, eyebrows have been raised.

This move, linked to the persistent probe into tech dealmaker Bao Fan, hasn’t been received well. The international business community, especially those rooted in China, now finds themselves reassessing their strategies amidst dwindling investor confidence.

EU’s Call for Balanced Relations

Amid these complexities, Valdis Dombrovskis, the EU’s trade chief, embarked on a four-day sojourn to Beijing. His goal? To address the unbalanced trade transactions between the European region and China.

With the staggering €396bn bilateral trade deficit weighing down EU’s pockets, Dombrovskis wasn’t in China for pleasantries. Not to mention, his visit came hot on the heels of the EU’s recent launch of an investigation into China’s subsidies on electric vehicles, a move that Beijing didn’t hesitate to label as “naked protectionism.”

Yet, every dark cloud has a silver lining. Both regions have reportedly agreed to establish a unique mechanism to address export controls, reminiscent of a similar initiative between China and the U.S.

Western Companies: To Stay or To Go?

While diplomatic channels buzz with these discussions, Western companies in China are caught in a dilemma. The current geopolitical climate has forced them to ponder upon ‘de-risking’ strategies.

While some companies, like the renowned US toymaker Hasbro, have opted to pack up and leave China, others are contemplating a mix of strategies.

They’re exploring everything from partial divestment to molding their businesses to cater exclusively to the Chinese consumer base, a maneuver now dubbed as the “China for China” approach.

Renowned brands like Apple and Intel are looking towards the “China plus one” strategy, wherein they plan to shift future investments to burgeoning markets in India or Southeast Asia, all while keeping their existing Chinese facilities up and running.

Additionally, the ever-tightening noose of data protection laws and anti-espionage measures has led top-tier consultancies like McKinsey and Boston Consulting Group to bifurcate their Chinese IT infrastructures.

With the need for regulatory nods to transfer substantial data chunks out of China, businesses are treading on thin ice.

Navigating the Political Landscape

Amidst these trade hiccups, one cannot neglect the undercurrents of political pressure. Western policymakers are coming to terms with the fact that the enormous societal-scale risks, especially in fields like artificial intelligence, necessitate continued dialogues with China.

They recognize the mutual dependency – the world might need China, but the inverse is just as true.

However, fostering such cooperation isn’t a cakewalk. As the UK gears up for its forthcoming AI summit, Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden emphasizes the indispensability of engaging with China.

Yet, he’s battling opposition from his party members who cite recent espionage allegations to argue that the UK’s stance towards China is a tad too lenient.

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