Charles Hoskinson, CEO & Founder of Cardano, willing to work with Buterin

  • Cardano’s Charles Hoskinson has said that he would be willing to work with Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin again
  • ADA Price at the time of writing – $0.4264
  • Hoskinson has also shared some criticism of the Ethereum Foundation

During a recent ask-me-anything session, Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson stated that he would be willing to work with Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin once more.

He claims that if the project were successful, he would be willing to collaborate with Buterin.

In particular, Hoskinson stated that he would be interested in collaborating with Buterin on research into regenerative medicine and anti-aging.

ETH Price at the time of writing – $1,330.77

If he has something they might work together on it in the future, he continued. He doesn’t see them working together on a crypto project, though.

Hoskinson also voiced some criticism of the Ethereum Foundation, which, according to him, continues to disregard Cardano’s technology due to personal animosity.

Additionally, the Ethereum foundation made it abundantly clear that because he is the worst person in the world, they do not examine any of our technology. It would appear that is what they look for in technology. 

To view your possessions, you must be liked by them. Hoskinson tweeted last month that it was a “crime” for the Ethereum community to even talk about his project.

Hoskinson joked that Buterin could switch to Cardano earlier this year because he had parted ways with other Ethereum co-founders during the project’s early stages. 

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Snoop Dogg video is coming

Additionally, he argued that the implementation of the “Snow White” consensus mechanism provided the blockchain with an opportunity to transition to proof of stake much earlier.

Hoskinson claims to have received the final version of his music video with rapper Snoop Dogg, referring to other collaborations.

However, the release date of the video is currently unknown. The hip-hop star invited Hoskinson to appear in his new music video in June.

What is special about Cardano?

Cardano is one of the largest blockchains to successfully employ a less energy-intensive proof-of-stake consensus method than Bitcoin’s proof-of-work algorithm. 

Even though Ethereum, which is much larger, will upgrade to PoS, this transition will only occur gradually. The project has taken great pride in ensuring that all developed technology is subjected to peer-reviewed research, allowing novel ideas to be questioned before being confirmed. 

The Cardano team says that this academic rigor makes the blockchain more durable and stable, making it more likely that problems can be predicted in advance. A Shelley upgrade was held in 2020 by Cardano with the goal of making its blockchain “50 to 100 times more decentralized” than other large blockchains.

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